And in the course of human events …
“My body my choice” could be the epithet on the tombstone of every woman when she dies, who believes abortion is about HER body, when in fact the baby has a separate body. Because if abortion was about HER body, then she would have to kill herself would she not?
Recently there was a TV drama I heard about but did not watch, that portrayed a lady and her small baby sitting in a bar type restaurant. As she sat and ate her lunch, with the baby in the stroller, the manager of the restaurant went to the other patrons in the store and told them that the police had contacted him and were on their way, and that they had warned him that the lady had kidnapped the baby and they were coming to save the baby from her.
The other patrons were encouraged to do whatever they could to get the baby away from her without harming the baby, even if it meant killing the lady herself. The lady was not hurting the baby and was just sitting and eating her lunch and the baby was drinking a bottle. The manager had a gun and asked if anyone was willing to use it…
As it turned out, the point of this particular “show” was to see if people, who had NO DIRECT EVIDENCE of the baby actually being in danger, could be convinced to “do harm” to the woman with the baby, who in fact was the baby’s real mother. The point was to separate the woman from the child, and to do it any way possible. The whole show was orchestrated by a film group who wanted to see if the patrons in the store would ask questions and if they would protect the rights of EVERY individual or if they would just blindly run to the defense of the “helpless” one, when the “helpless one” was already in the BEST hands of a very loving and biological mom.
Apparently in this “show” no one called the police to verify, no one doubted the manager of the restaurant, and no one talked to the lady herself. The patrons in the show all became instant “vigilantes”, with the sole and “noble” purpose to “rescue” an unharmed baby from its natural mom, all because of a false belief that originated with a planned “study” of people and their behavior.
It occurred to me that while the “demonizing” of the mother was happening, the person who was really the person being a “demon” was the bar manager, who was convincing all the patrons that the real mother was bad.
Is this horrible “show”, which seriously gives me goose bumps, actually happening now in the world today? It appears to me, that people who are healthy and well are currently being demonized with no direct evidence, because of vaccines.
Those people who strongly believe the “science” of vaccines and who wish to “cancel” those who oppose it, have apparently not questioned the short duration of the vaccine as a “treatment”, and also are apparently unaware of the fact that many drugs, and vaccines have caused long term negative consequences like sterilization and birth defects that are not known by manufacturers at the outset.
DES given to women in the 1960’s to prevent miscarriage caused the daughters of these women to be TWICE as likely to be sterile and to have 40 times greater risk for vaginal cancer. This drug and it’s effects on the baby were not discovered until two decades later.
Diclegis, a drug that is “renamed” from it’s prior name “bendectin” has recently been re-introduced in the market as “safe” for women who are pregnant and experiencing nausea, even though many scientific studies have linked it to birth defects. When I was pregnant with twins, and I experienced nausea, my doctor told me that bendectin had two ingredients, vitamin b 6 and an antihistamine (doxylamine). My doctor would not prescribe this medication and instead encouraged me to take just the vitamin B 6 , and to have crackers and apricot nectar by the bed in the morning to counteract nausea. It worked for me without harm to my babies.
What about Thalidomide and the thousands of birth defects that went with it? Avoiding ALL potential carcinogens and toxins while pregnant is the best way to avoid damage to developing babies. None of my five children have birth defects because I did not drink, or have any medications injected or ingested orally while pregnant. My mother also, did not take bendectin or any other drugs that were implicated years later as causing birth deformities, cancers and sterility. It takes years for “science” to know how drugs will affect developing babies, and I am grateful I, and my mother, and HER mother relied on nature and God, for the perfect development of my babies.
Are any of us today giving too much credibility to the CDC? Are we guilty of being “vigilantes”, and being “convinced” by some distant “authority”, without question, like the example in the beginning, that our own babies or our own aging parents are in “danger” of some “disease” and we must ACT FAST to save them? Has that “disease” actually caused the catastrophic deaths it was estimated to cause or is the death rate much much less than predicted? Are we being herded to act in a way that we are led to believe is best for our babies and parents, when in fact we are hurting the very people we love the most..the same way that the people in the bar were planning to hurt the mother of the baby when they thought they were helping her…all because of a failure to scrutinize what we are being led to believe.
The good fruit of what is being said “by science” should not cause families to go against each other or to take away rights from each other. We do not know the long term effects of ANY drug being introduced into society and pregnant mothers and small children are most vulnerable to these drugs but are also, statistically the most resistant to disease because of natural antibodies. Why would we not protect these vulnerable ones by AVOIDING these drugs the way we did in the past, and the way our mothers did, in order to have healthy and safe pregnancies, and warm and loving families. Instead, we sanctify abortion and euthanasia, we inject people with deadly diseases, and change the meaning of vaccine to cover our asses, before long term studies have been done, and we give all the authority to human leaders instead of to God.
Not I. As for me and mine, we will serve the lord. Drugs have never been the answer to the problems of humanity, and the money (made from the selling drugs) is called the root of all evil. Those who actually created the disease in the lab (and this is documented) are now selling the remedy for the disease under the authority of the CDC? And we go right along?
Not I. Because I live in America I get to say no to the vaccine. And by the way our constitution and other documents are not “hazardous” reading material, in spite of the label they have just been given. I agree with congressman Crenshaw, who says that this is a war of words.
We MUST analyze the words in this “war” that is threatening the very fabric of our country, because pandemic” has now been redefined, and “vaccine” has JUST been redefined, all to suit the purpose of the bad actors in this “show” to see how much those with money and power can get all of us who are “the least of these” to do of our own volition. But Jesus says that which you do to the least of these you do to me. Are you bullying your parents or your friends to put an untested vaccine in their body because YOU are afraid because of what the “CDC” is saying? Are you really that easily convinced that all is lost and the world is doomed? What about God? Do you not believe in God any more because I DO.
When my seventeen year old daughter wanted to go spend a year in Poland, we were told that all the vaccines needed to be given and there were eighteen of them. My child had not received any of the vaccines up until this point but had not been sick or unhealthy at all. When I expressed concern about giving eighteen vaccines at once, the doctor said he could do a test and determine immunity for each of the eighteen diseases. In the end, my daughter only had to get two of the eighteen vaccines in order to get her records up to date because she had antibodies or natural immunities that had developed for all the rest. We are not put here on this earth dependent on just vaccines for our health and safety…each of us has natural immunities and they work marvelously.
We are FREE to say no to vaccines, and also say no to any travel or job that bullies us to have vaccines …we DO NOT need to go anywhere so badly that we would allow ourselves to be bullied…and no amount of advertising is going to change my mind personally. It is pretty interesting how the advertising that is rampant trying to convince me of how SAFE the vaccine is, is actually making me question the “leaders “ and their motives. You should be questioning it too…but you do currently still get to choose who and what to believe…and I hope what you choose will not render you and yours sterile. I trust my parents to give me good advice, and I trust those leaders that say they wish to keep alive, not only people, but also those liberties guaranteed in our constitution.
Thank you God for this new day and I know you hear me always.