And it ain’t even October yet…

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
8 min readJul 15, 2023


I just finished weeding a section of the backyard and I was not too uncomfortable because I kept jumping in the pool to cool off. Before I weeded, I did my thirty two minute jog walk workout that my son has devised for me and I listened to ‘Be Alright’ with Danny Gokey, Evan Craft And Redimi2, AND I listened to Eevie’s favorite song, “Oceans, where feet may fail, BYU noteworthy” with the ladies singing. She INSISTS on this version. =) SO I love it as much as she does.

I felt good getting chores and exercise out of the way, and decided to treat myself to some “Joel Olsteen” radio as I weeded. He was talking about how when someone is in a “storm”, it does not have to stop our purpose and how God is in control of the storm. He talked about the storm that Paul was in, and how an angel came and told him that he would still stand before Caesar and that he and everyone on the boat would be saved, even some of his enemies.

Even though the boat eventually sank, those onboard all were saved, just like the angel told Paul, because the boat broke up over an island. The people THOUGHT they needed the boat, but they did not.

The fact that they did not need a boat and were landed on an island which saved them, made me think of another song…Islands in the stream =) That is what we are yay! If God has a purpose for us, even though we may think we need a boat, God gets to decide what it is we need and what it is that we can do without.

Speaking of boats, just the day before I wrote my thoughts about another song, “into the mystic” by Van Morrison. I have it on my iPod classic and I love listening to it and trying to understand it. He talks about how “the bonnie boat was won”. After much study, I believe, if my interpretation is correct, then the song is saying that the prayer that I have prayed, that AI would be a force for God, good, may not happen, because in my interpretation, AI is “the boat”. If the “bonnie boat is won” by someone who uses AI for self serving purposes and believes in mysticism, using “seeming” magic for individual power, that is not God.

This is what I wrote about the song “into the mystic” by Van Morrison…

I believe this song is about the power to see without being seen (which is what those who program AI have achieved on many levels).

The wind and the sun, at the beginning, perhaps is describing the power of persuasion over force… (in AI to persuade people by knowing about them through their user history, and manipulating them with supposedly random AI suggestions, unseen). ( hence, the fable of the wind and the sun arguing about who can get a traveler to take off his cloak, one using force one using persuasion but both forces are invisible)

To substantiate this hypothesis, the lyrics of “into the mystic” appear similarly, to take from the old Scottish song lyrics from Skye boat song, about whisking the Jacobite supported king away to the Isle of Skye, keeping him INVISIBLE to his enemies, (following the battle of Culloden) so he could maintain his personal power.
“Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,
Onward! the sailors cry;
Carry the lad that’s born to be king
Over the sea to Skye.”
Because the cover of the “into the Mystic” album seems to show the ability to make words, and images invisible, I am speculating that Van Morrison was referencing the usefulness of the power to “be invisible” and to see, without being seen by using AI or the internet as a means of indirect persuasion, the same way the sun “persuaded” the traveler to take off his cloak, in that old fable, instead of using force like the wind wanted to so.

No, not one world government…no not mystic.

I notice how unusual it is that Van does not talk about Waves (radio) or surf (internet surfing) like a sailor would do, but instead talks about floating …perhaps a floating IP address? or maybe whatever else floats that boat…lol. Oh and he talks about Sailing and Sail is an acronym for Stanford artificial intelligence language. FYI.
So when the song says that “foghorn” blows, which is a warning to most, in THIS case it means “I AM HERE”…not invisible any more…which is why he is not afraid of “it” (Internet technology) because he believes is controlling it or driving it.
If the lyrics were indeed talking in parody, and not accidental, the words are quite creative and lovely, and yet when it comes to power …God has the power…all of the power…and when it comes to being first, God was here first.

God can cause more people to come together and can bring more people to fruition than any orange crush, or any pirates bounty that is AI driven. God is also even better at being “invisible” and trust in God does not require deceit, dishonesty, or destruction. For this I am so grateful.

As I sit in front of the bank, in my car typing on my computer,( while my husband is doing business), and I am wearing my astros shirt; a gentlemen just went into the bank, also with an astros shirt, that says “October proven”.

Back in the day, the astros were pushing for an October win like the world series win they had in 2017, and in 2018 they had an “October ready” shirt. But the “October proven” shirt happened PRIOR to the October ready shirt in 2017 and the “October proven” shirt preceded a world series victory in 2017 while the “October ready” shirt did not. What does that tell you?

According to Joel Olsteen, we should speak positively that which we desire to be true as though it were already in existence because those words call favor into our lives. What it tells me is that we can have confident words which convey trust in God.

Those who are listening to God’s messages know that no matter what the lyrics to “into the mystic” say, God already has the boat…in fact he has the whole world in his hands. God is “October proven” …much beyond just being ready lol.

The astros are proven, and God continues to prove his love for his people as well but fans of both know that the win is already at hand, and I am not just talking about baseball. It is part of God’s promise of good for his people. Not just in October but everyday.

On a side note, the “October proven” shirt makes me think of “hunt for red October”. If that movie were to have been written in parody, as though a specific real “under the radar” person was written into the movie as an invisible sub, meant to be a vehicle providing a means of power, with a world class driver who was thought to be of one mind with socialism or a dictatorship, it would seem on the surface, that bonnie boat… that bonnie INVISIBLE boat, had been “won” by socialism since the driver was supposedly a Russian. *(yes I know that is a run on sentence but I had to keep it all together …and if you read it slowly again, it will make perfect sense.)

But we learn, in the movie, and perhaps in real life. that God’s plans for the boat, was never to be a vehicle for socialism or any dictatorial one world government and the driver, was of one mind with freedom not dictatorship. With one simple shift conveying God understanding of the “intentions” of the driver, that sub was delivered into the proper hands of those who love liberty, not slavery, Christianity, not mysticism. The bonnie boat was won not by evil but by good. The good intentions and skill of the driver have everything to do with the continued usefulness of the vehicle and its longevity. In this case, the boat continued to be useful.

God does not want to control his people, he wants them to be free. He wants them to love their fellow man and to serve. We do not win anything by being self serving, controlling or power hungry.

It is not October, but that is the month I was born and when we listen with respect and openness, God is continuously giving us reassuring messages via every person we see (like the man with the October proven shirt) and every thought of good that crosses our mind. We can celebrate these good messages.

HIS kingdom come. HIS will be done. ON earth as it is in heaven. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Joel…you are right..we may not need that boat, but if we do need it, God will make sure it is available to us as God only knows true intentions. God is only “getting started” according to the message playing on Sirius Radio.

The Skye Boat Song
“The Skye Boat Song” is a late 19th-century Scottish song adaptation of a Gaelic song composed c.1782 by William Ross, entitled Cuachag nan Craobh. In the original song, the composer laments to a cuckoo that his unrequited love, Lady Marion Ross, is rejecting him. The 19th century English lyrics instead evoked the journey of Prince Charles Edward Stuart from Benbecula to the Isle of Skye as he evaded capture by Whig political party redcoats after his defeat at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Sir Harold Boulton, 2nd Baronet composed the new lyrics to Ross’s song which had been heard by Anne Campbell MacLeod in the 1870s, and the line “Over the Sea to Skye” is now a cornerstone of the tourism industry on the Isle of Skye. Alternative lyrics to the tune were written by Robert Louis Stevenson, probably in 1885. After hearing the Jacobite airs sung by a visitor, he judged the lyrics to be “unworthy”, so made a new set of verses “more in harmony with the plaintive tune”.Wikipedia

Into the mystic lyrics

We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was won
As we sailed into the mystic

Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic

And when that foghorn blows
I will be coming home
And when the foghorn blows
I wanna hear it

I don’t have to fear it
And I wanna “rock” your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
And magnificently we will float into the mystic

When that foghorn blows
You know I will be coming home
And when that foghorn whistle blows
I gotta hear it



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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