Art History

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
7 min readFeb 12, 2023


What is your “history” in art?

Art by Melissa

I can look at my art and see a history unfold based on what I chose to paint at that time in my life, because those things were important to me at that point. Moms and babies were and still are, important to me.

Art by Melissa

I just recently finished a portrait of a child, and children are still my favorite subjects. From the time I was little, I have enjoyed depicting people, particularly little people and their innocence.But I love seeing how the art that I do is changing and improving over the years.

Eevie “rabbit” by Melissa

This most recent painting I have completed…Eevie being a rabbit shows how my art has progressed.
And as I have had my own children, and they learned how to paint, it has been interesting to see how they progressed as well, and how children clearly paint what they are aware of, as they become aware of it visually in their environment.

art by Melissa

Early on, my kids painted flowers and sunshine…their awareness of good, beauty, joy that surround them.

Art by Melissa

But as they grew, and became aware of the “suggestions” of evil… one created a labyrinth, and another painted a creature that looks like evil, and yet another painted a bleeding tree, because this is what they “saw”.

art by M. James

I can look back in time and recognize that for my children, these negative and scary or enslaved depictions, coincided with the onset of their use of the “computer”. The electronic “environment”, paints a false picture, giving evil a “value” that can seem to project itself onto the innocent minds of our children. We must be vigilant in protecting this “thought environment” of our children. The electronic or simulated world is simply not real. The truth is, the world is created good.

Because of their art, that I have collected, and what and when things were depicted, I am now convinced that little children are perfectly equipped to recognize all the “suggestions” of evil that bombard them from computers and the internet, and apparently their art provides “red flags”. They can, with our assistance, learn to dismiss and reject and not be trapped, by the false beliefs projected by the anonymous darkness called “the net”.

Unknown artist

Children, I believe, are so important because of their inherent understanding of good, and that good needs to be defended from these suggestions of evil, from electronics. Even adults need help protecting themselves in this way, and can seem to have trouble with addictions and other evils, related to screens and electronics and website “environments”, that seem to separate them and take them away from a place of good.

And even though electronics are hailed as good “teachers” for kids, I recently read that children learning from “screens” are only actually firing neurons from just one sixth of their learning potential. Live teaching, in contrast, causes all the learning neurons of students to fire, making live teaching (including home schooling) much preferred. God knew what he was doing when he gave children parents, and their capacity to learn truth, and more about good, is certainly not limited or improved, by what computers “teach”,.

Art by Melissa

In my experience, art is one way, children being presented with traumatic suggestions, can communicate clearly, and indirectly. It is the way they can safely “handle” evil, by letting others know, with their art, that they “see” something, that they instinctively know is not good, so we can take action.

Some parents cherish these artistic depictions done by their children that go from happy to morose, or from good to evil, but I see this art as a child experiencing emotional distress, subconsciously hoping someone (their PARENTS) will see and protect them from evil and isolation. Parents make mistakes and do not always see what it is their children hope they will see, but they keep trying to help, because they love their children and families.

Art by M. James

Gratefully I believe God does protect children, and gives them not just one but two parents for that very reason, to ensure their safety from the “wounds “ inflicted by false beliefs, as they grow and mature and become adults and parents themselves.

Parents presented with the world of computers back in the day, may not have realized the dangers to their children at that time, and yet they have progressed are now better able to recognize the safeguards that their children need to have, in order to keep their environment joyful, bright, optimistic and free.

Art by Melissa

Perhaps, when a child “shows” us with their art, that they have become aware of how, paying attention to evil, is like going down a rabbit hole, that is a good time to “investigate” their friends, and their “environments” (spiritual, visual, emotional, physical), including electronics.

Art by M. James

We can be grateful that with children, who are artistic, their art gives concrete “communication” , so that we can know when we need to clear out the junk, including the electronic static, or negative mental debris from their environment. This starts with being aware of our own negative behaviors, and our own mistakes and choices. We give our time to what we think is important, and it is time to recognize that children and live people, are more important than screens. Parents have to model this behavior.

We can also talk about these concepts with our children and make them aware of how their art is a form of communication and is “speaking” and how we can use their art as a platform for talking to them about what is going on in their lives. They are not alone or vulnerable, and have watchful and caring parents and siblings at their sides.

Art by Melissa

In my own life, I “saw” that evil tries to pretend it is “just like us” and tries to “mirror” good, and yet it’s motives are not good, and it has an evil agenda. The fruit of evil is not good. We can actually know them by their fruits”. I painted this…How evil might seems like a “garden of Eden” but the “Paradise” it represents is a deception for Eve. In the garden, the “tree of forbidden fruit” provided nothing good for her, and though it seemed to “exist” in that garden, it served no good purpose because Eve already had everything she needed. That tree is a perfect example of how evil tries to present itself, as a suggestion of something useful or needed, but is not.

Evil does not have a life of its own, does not suffer, experience pain or isolation. Evil, a mirror, pretends to have all these things but those who listen to evil experience all these things themselves. Evil pretends to be good, but is the opposite or reverse of good.

A tree does not bleed. Even though my child painted it as such.

The first step towards destroying evil is recognizing it, when it makes its “appearance”, and rejecting it…intentionally preventing it from having access to children, and also recognizing its complete nothingness or lack of power. It can be rejected, dismissed, destroyed, at any point in time, even if initially it was not.

With no platform, evil cannot do any damage. Kids can be taught how to dismiss evil suggestions, as well, and not give this evil any space. Baptism, and church, Sunday school and the ten commandments, all cause evil to flee, literally and give good the platform.

art by Melissa

My dad used to sing a song, and I have modified it for kids…to address the nothingness of evil. I would like to share this with all my children, and all the rest of the children of the world as well… and regarding art, I am glad you have let me know you can “see” that powerful “suggestion” called evil, but don’t worry, we are DONE with evil…aren’t we! No website, program or internet agenda can force anyone to give it space. We can see it, can handle it swiftly and resolutely, and are saying NOto it.

This is my modified song, dismissing evil…based on my dad’s song he used to sing. Thanks dad!!
Just because you think your so pretty
Just because you think your so hot (literally in hell)
Just because you think you’ve got something, that no body else has got.(you don’t)
You laugh and you think you got money (big surprise)
You laugh and call me old Santy clause
Well I’m telling you EVIL, I’m through with you
Because, just because.

God, Good is the only power and in every culture and country and family where acknowledging God is practiced, blessing abound.

Art by M. James



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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