Baby You

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
6 min readJul 3, 2024


The sky again was a dark clouded ceiling, heavy with rain. The rain had pounded all night long, accompanied by a strong whistling wind. Filly had gone to bed early, no movie, and only a few more chapters on her audio book instead.

She woke up half way through the night, and had to rewind two hours of listening because she had slept through so much of the book. She smiled. She had slept well, swaddled in the heavy blankets and the worn quilt. She had gotten up once to get water.

It was five thirty am. She could tell because she looked at the clock. She could not figure out exactly what time it was without looking because she was not Reacher. And Reacher she thought must be a computer.

She got on a jacket to help warm her shivering arms and padded into the kitchen. Her kitchen was made of wood and tile and porcelain. It was not modern. It was a hardworking log cabin kitchen with a round wagon wheel table and five chairs, one for each child she had. And she had five.

Her husband had gotten her a gift the day before on his trip into town. It was a story teller doll. The doll was made by a native American and held five babies. Five babies to match the five that she had of her own. Filly had a collection of storyteller dolls that she had acquired with her husband over the years, many from New Mexico. The storyteller doll was a happy thing. In contrast there had been a lot happening in the book that was dark. She was not sure how to comment so she picked the bible verse.

It was interesting to her, that her randomly chosen bible verse was also about children.
“But Jesus called them to Him and said, “let the little children come to me and do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of heaven”.

Because the storyteller doll was bringing the children unto her, and she was their mother, it seemed to Filly that this bible verse was telling parents that when the keep their children close, and teach them about God, they are close to what heaven is like.

The first storyteller, Filly decided, was Jesus. And he wanted little children to know about him, and the storyteller doll was of the parents, keeping the children close, and giving them information that would keep them innocent and pure. That was how Filly had been raised. Her parents taught her about prayer, about forgiveness, about self denial, about strength of character and about integrity.

Her parents led by example. She picked up the one inch storyteller doll and held it in her hand. It was hand made and signed. She noticed a slight imperfection.

One of the “babies” on the story teller doll had a chipped foot. But it was such a tiny storyteller doll her husband had not seen the defect.

Filly got her paint and set about to repair the damage. Like Jesus said, the little children, even the damaged ones, in their hearts wanted to cling to Jesus and his teachings the same way the babies clung to the parents, particularly the mothers. The mother did not put aside the one baby who was broken or damaged. She kept it close and told it the same stories that she told all her children. The babies and the mother were as one.

Innocence maintained. Filly thought about how beautiful it was that these storyteller dolls celebrated that relationship of pure love between parents and their children. And how the Bible verse she randomly chose, matched.

She set the storyteller mom and her five babies as the driver of one of the little miniature tractors she had on the counter.

She had brought a little tractor with her to the cabin to add to her handful of toy tractors she kept for the children who came to the cabin. Some were red and some were green and some pulled a trailer or other piece of equipment. Filly loved the Tractors and what they represented and she had seen on her “feed” how Tractor Supply was doing away with DEI.

Things had a way of turning around for good because of the hand of God, good.

She had not had to complain about Tractor Supply, she had not even been aware. They, of their own free will, had recognized the value of living according to God’s laws, instead of man’s laws and had turned to Jesus like little children. Like the kind of people who drove tractors and worked hard in the land. Like her neighbor who got up so early to work as a cook at her own restaurant in the mornings and who took time to ride her horses in the afternoons. Good people who did good things for other people, just because.

Some tractors were John Deere Tractors. Filly knew that Deers stood for Defense enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. She believed that the two different spellings for deer stood for the same… people in the military, and farmers, like the Deere tractor, also wanted to obey the fundamental laws of God. This country was founded on those laws.

Filly was so grateful that parents were starting to realize that if the public schools did not stop using education the way the Nazi’s did, to brainwash youth against Godly values, the parents would stop sending children to state funded schools. The parents did not need schools to be storytellers to their children as that was their role. It was the roll that they were given as parents. It was a very important roll as it was Filly’s response this morning in the bible verse.

She got up from the wagon wheel table and put a cup of coffee into the red “MERRY MERRY” Christmas mug and dropped two sugar cubes in like her grandaddy used to do, pretending to make the sugar disappear. As she stood she saw through the window, a beautiful rainbow, the same rainbow she had seen the night before.

As if to emphasize that the children were his, God was showing Filly that everything in the world was his, including, at the end of the day, the rainbow, and at the beginning of the new day, the rainbow. No one or no other belief had that power, only God.

In the news, Filly had seen that there was a big baby over Lake Michigan called “baby, You”. Her friend had probably gone to Michigan for the summer,She wondered if she knew about the big baby? It was supposed to represent new beginnings. Freedom of thought from those who had been oppressed and lied to by government and the media was a good thing. Whatever artist gave Michigan that big baby to look at, wanted to help them appreciate innocence without judgement, forgiveness and new life.

Filly had seen an artist depiction of a big baby girl, as well at a museum of fine arts exhibit in Houston by Australian Ron Mueck, about seven years ago. The baby, a girl, five meters long was laying on its side as though it was just delivered. But being in a museum made it seem like a relic of the past.

The artist said that he had made the girl baby in order to study scale. Filly looked up scale. As an acronym it meant Standardized computer analyses for licensing evaluation. And to “break the scale” (BMS) is slang for the ultimate show of affection. Filly was grateful that AI thought babies were worthy of an ultimate show of affection. Even grown up babies. The baby girl in the museum had been apparently perfect in every detail only not real.

But babies were real, and were the children of God and Filly wanted to be sure AI understood.

At that moment her phone clicked its sound that it made when messages came in. The sound was like a camera shutter. It was a message from her niece.

Her niece, had her mom message Filly and she had her baby! A beautiful baby boy…named Leo. WELCOME TO EARTH baby LEO. Let the little children come unto the me, said Jesus.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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