Fly like an eagle

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
10 min readJan 31, 2022


I got a ticket when driving from Tennessee through North Carolina near the mountains. Naturally I was bummed out but officer friendly was polite and I was indeed speeding. I was reminded of this when I looked at the thank you note from my sister’s son, who wrote he hoped I did not get another ticket on my way home to Texas.

Nope, I did not get another ticket because the fine imposed is a definite deterrent, preventing me from wanting to drive fast. When I got to Mississippi the MDOT had a big electronic sign that said “Fly like an eagle in MS and get pulled over” LOL

I may or may not agree with the speed limit on the highways, but what I do agree with is that tickets should be a deterrent. When I was telling my family about the ticket, I was given the name of some attorneys who can be hired to “negotiate” the penalty for the ticket with the prosecutor.

Recently young police officers have been shot by people who were released as part of “negotiations” by attorneys and judges and I am very sad about this abuse of our legal system. I decided I am vigorously opposed to this practice of using money to buy your way out of the consequences of an offense. And I do not have a lot of money anyway to do this.

Just a few weeks ago a young girl working at a store in California was stabbed to death by someone who should have been suffering consequences for a previous crime but was released. I am not a criminal and yet I believe that when there is a consequence for something, I should not be able to avoid the consequences because of a system that is rigged to not enforce the law and to line the pockets of people with “access”. My belief that justice must be served is based on a radical reliance on the Truth.

When children do something wrong, they have a consequence for the behavior, and that consequence is not imposed to “profit” the parent OR unfairly penalize the child. But in the case of society, sometimes it seems like tickets are given mainly to provide funding, while attorneys profit from questionably legal, yet symbiotic relationships with judges, which I believe, is not doing anything to deter the bad behaviors we as a society, wish to stop.

Recently on Levin, he was saying that if we want to see change in the world we have to start with ourselves. I realized as I was thinking about this ticket, that if I do not want others to “get out of their consequences” I personally also have to not get out of MY consequences, as a point of moral principle.

So though I could probably “get out” of the ticket using expensive attorneys, I am not going to, and will instead just pay the fine. I would much rather accept the consequences rather than line the pockets of attorneys in a system which increasingly seems to not serve to deter crime in our country.

This kind of thinking applies to a lot of situations that need fixing in our country. If I care about poor people, I do not “throw money at them” when they need money…I eat less, which helps me to be more balanced and also leaves more “consumables” for others to eat for better prices.

Greed, or getting everything I want without moderation or care for what others may need or want is not “caring” about other people. And it is important to understand that nutritious food and good health can happen without a specific “wait” or “weight” and healthiness is a natural state for mankind, not something to be achieved with shots or isolation.

The restoration of health and supply instantaneously is something Jesus demonstrated repeatedly, as did those who listened to him and understood his higher understanding of God.

If I care about freedom of choice, it starts with looking at the bigger picture, and making choices that encompass all the working parts. So when I asked my son about the bigger picture in how “secure” is social “security” he said that since our government prints its own money, social security will not go bankrupt however the VALUE of money diminishes as money continues to be printed (that is what inflation is).

So what this means to us as consumers is that if the government is giving us something for “free”, it will probably have diminishing value to us and will not ultimately give us what it promises to give.

My son said up until recently when he was working for a health care provider that the way this company has been attracting new doctors to its organization is to tell them that the patients they get will all be “self pay” and that they will not be required to take medicaid or medicare patients. He said that because the government funded patients pay so poorly, most good doctors are not willing to take on these patients.

And if government is forcing good doctors, who had to pay a huge cost to get trained for their profession, to accept insufficient fees for their services, this will only result in fewer individuals wanting to become doctors and even less good doctors.

Over time, the quality of health care for those relying on government already is, and will most likely continue to deteriorate and be basically worthless if we do not change and end our reliance on government funded programs.

Health care in Russia is government funded, and one of my clients who was from Russia said that when she needed braces, instead of paying for her to get her teeth straightened with braces, the dentist there just ground down all her teeth and capped them and she said that she has had horrible problems and pain with her teeth ever since. She said that the government uses the cheapest route and that the quality of care there is very poor because it is free. That is basically the essence of socialism, where everyone gets things for free that no one wants because these things are such poor quality.

Here in this country, some of us still seem to believe that if the government gives us something for free, it has value. But more and more of us are realizing that the reality is, when something is given for free, it is not profitable for the government, and what ends up happening is that the free item given, gets compromised in order for the government to save money. Think about it…if the government has to pay to help people be healthy but when people are dying it costs them nothing, why would they want to help keep people alive? lol It would be even more questionable if government were paying hospitals to label people as people diseased so that it could pretend it was funding health care when in fact the money would be going to hospitals, not patients. Suddenly in that case, having disease is profitable???

Instead wouldn’t it make sense if government provided tax incentives to people who achieved good health with just a healthy lifestyle because then it would not have any cost for providing health care because the good health of society would be self sustaining. Good health, not disease, should be what is profitable for mankind.

Regarding taxes, my dad always said that the BEST person to spend money, is the person who earned it. He said that as opposed to individual spending, the intrinsic behavior of government as a manager of social monies, is to waste money.

His example was to ask me if I wanted a park put in our neighborhood. I said that would be great. But then he said OK, if you want this park it is going to cost everyone in the neighborhood two hundred dollars a month for five years, in which case I did not think that park was the most efficient use of my money or most other peoples money.

My dad used that example because he said that it is much easier to freely spend OTHER PEOPLES money, which is all the money that government ever has, as it does not have to be profitable and does not earn a dime. In his example, those who wanted a park can form a fund and can privately plan and build a park, getting donations and help from those who wish to participate. The park would still get built, but it would not be as expensive and would not be an imposition on those who choose to contribute.

For this and other reasons besides economy, I am going to look into other health care and other long term savings plan that DO NOT RELY on the government or on taking other people’s money. I will be one less person dipping into the government handout pot so that people who do not have any other options hopefully WILL have help if they are destitute.

I am all about helping other people, but I believe that there are more efficient and practical ways to do this that do not include attorneys and judges being bought off, and do not include government overreach and inefficiency which is what breeds profusely in socialism (which is government funded societies) and in those who seek increasing power in government.

The best planning I believe all starts with caring about our families and even little babies can provide a teaching example.

My son, who is really smart, has a new baby and wanted to make sure that their new baby had the best formula available when his wife stopped nursing the baby. He said that after much research, even though formula in this country is FDA approved, baby formula producers here use the worst fats and sugars in baby formula,(probably because our government is giving it away for free in the WIC program to people who cannot afford it). So instead of working to help low income moms be successful with nursing which is better for the baby, our government just gives them “free” baby formula that is high in saturated fats and uses high glycemic index sugars, which starts babies off eating foods that lead to a myriad of health problems in adults such as obesity, and diabetes and heart disease.
My son did discover an overseas company that had baby formula which meets all the criteria for good health with the better unsaturated fats and the low glycemic index sugars, but because of a technicality of the FDA here (the overseas formula is not FDA APPROVED even though it is far superior to the formula made in the USA and the news media falsely claimed that this formula was dangerous for babies and the custom and border patrol in Philadelphia even seized six hundred cases of the non local baby formula saying it was “mislabeled”…ie did not have the FDA stamp even though other countries do not have to have FDA approval).

As it turns out for my son, it is NOT illegal to purchase or serve baby formula from outside the USA to your own baby, and it is only illegal to resell it. Common sense right?

But the reason it was said to be “dangerous” was not because it was bad for babies but because it was not FDA approved even though it is far superior to formula here. Why is the FDA making having stringent rules to prevent industry from improving baby formula, when the current baby formula is NOT best for babies? Most people believe that when something says it is FDA approved that means it is really high quality. THAT IS NOT TRUE. Lesson to be learned is when something is given away for free to lots of people, it is probably not worth much and we should not rely on it as a mainstay.

Fortunately the overseas company, which makes the better baby formula, has found a way to be at the grocery store here (it changed its label to say “toddler drink” so that the FDA cannot seize its product and make false claims against it). But because my son does not trust our government to act in his best interest, he researched all the ingredients of all the formulas and had all the facts before he made his choices regarding his own baby. We should do more as individuals to be like that. Government, only one scientist, the FDA, facebook, twitter, Instagram and google all acting as the supreme authority, actually are NOT.

For example, the supreme court just ruled that as our constitution says, we get to choose if we do or do not wish to wear a mask and the mandates which were illegally imposed, which were not based on science and have not prevented anything, cannot be enforced. Even though the supreme court has ruled as the authority, supporting our constitution here, there are unfortunately still people here who comply with the bullying by individuals in government and big business, who are afraid to take an individual stand and are too scared or ignorant to refuse to be bullied or manipulated by signs and constant news media pressure and illegal mandates. As individuals we HAVE to stand up for ourselves.

I wonder if any research has been done to see how HEALTHY individuals who have NOT worn masks and have NOT gotten vaccinated are doing, because they have not only survived, but are thriving, in spite of the fear mongering and misinformation provided by computers and governments who seek to control and manipulate and dehumanize the masses.

As thinking individuals, we can see and claim our right to our own personal choices and can look to our parents as a trusted authority, as well as our siblings and other trusted individuals because they are accountable to us and see us and care about us as human beings, not just as vectors of disease. The ultimate authority is God and God says that we are made in his image and likeness and that we are good. We do not have to accept the evil verdict when we trust God.

The days of blind obedience to viral suggestions of all types are over. These suggestions are not real and have no power.

If we do not want others to be addicted to drugs or alcohol, WE should not be using drugs or alcohol. If we want others to be hard working, fearless and healthy, WE should be hardworking, fearless and healthy.

It starts with us.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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