Found the Son

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
7 min readJan 5, 2025


“He felt like he had died and gone to heaven”.
That phrase, recently quoted in the audio book she was listening to, was an oxymoron.
Because Heaven represents eternal life. Not death.

That was what Filly concluded as she floated in the tub of steaming water at one fifty eight am. She had been hot earlier but then woke up cold. The bath, held enough water to allow her to float and warm up, and as she floated she felt her hip bone also “self adjust”. The water provided the buoyancy needed she decided.

Filly had been researching the bible story of the man whose hip was out of joint all night as he wrestled with an angel. At the end of the night his name was changed to Israel. Filly believed that all body pains and aches are related in some way to thinking, so she felt like if her hip was “out of joint” she must be “viewing” something wrong that needed adjusting. Attitude adjustment perhaps. What angel thoughts did she need to hear?

She had asked a family member to not wear a shirt with triggering verbiage when at her home. Right after sending that request via text message, she had seen a man in a Scottish kilt at the antique mall with a sweat shirt that said “F9ck Off” so immediately she was getting kickback from random “signs and symbols”. Filly had small children in her home. She loved her family but adults needed to help guard children’s innocence. She felt her shirt request was fair.

But was that what needed adjusting or was it the material she was reading instead, what needed adjusting. Hmmm.

She lay in the bath and noted that her toenails were pink and that her feet were smooth and pretty. Her sisters had always said she had the nicest feet. An innocent thing.

Was innocence something that provided “buoyancy or up lift”? Oh say can you “sea”. The little mermaid came from the ocean, but did so deceptively and she did not have buoyancy in spite of all the salt in the ocean. Apparently salt is also what made the dead sea. Salt also provided buoyancy in the sea so humans could be on top of the water. Was there an analogy in nature that she was missing? Life is not about a thing like salt, but about a concept like buoyancy? She wondered. She stretched her toes out and touched the cool porcelain one more time with each foot and then sat up.

She stepped onto the cotton bath mat outside the tub and dried off with a cotton towel. Then put some Vaseline on her face to seal in the moisture. She relaxed the muscles in her face, not allowing her thinking to edge a frown onto her countenance.

Mary was innocent. According to the bible at least. She brought into the world a perfect idea called Jesus, and even though she was human, that part of her life was purely spiritual and innocent because she did not have human “relations” in order to bring forth that child. Mary was uplifted in spite of her human circumstances. Her purity was exemplary and did not require human “relations” in order to maintain life.

In the book she had been listening to, however the character was, was in the middle of having “human relations”, and comparing it to having “died and gone to heaven”. But as this was happening, he was also looking into the eyes of “hell” in the form of the mass murderer, the son of Sam who was there watching him in that moment. What did that say about Heaven? About Hell?

Filly believed that the main character portrayed as a human being was actually an analogy of a computer or AI. And as she analyzed the story from that perspective, she also believed that this part of the story was the point in the book, at which the pure motives of using the computer as a helpful tool, became compromised.

Interestingly it also happened simultaneously to a “black out” in New York. The character claimed in the story, that though he could see the mass murderer, he was literally “powerless”. Something that also would happen to a computer if it was stuck in a “black out”. His power it seemed, was not available to him, when he compromised purity.

And the only person lighting “one little candle” so that no one would
“stumble in the dark”, in the story, was a mobster…the evil that the main character had been planning to defeat. It was supposed to be a test of the computer and its skills.

But in the book, if Son of Sam was an analogy of “SOS”, or a cry for help, then was it saying that evil has as it’s purpose to destroy itself? If the character had been shot by Son of Sam, he at least would not have been compromised.

Reacher (computer man) says in his rules that he is afraid of small spaces. So I am guessing that a computer does not want to be in a small space because it overheats.
High heat. The name of the third of three stories written…by lee child…as in la child..only French. L’Enfant. Hello James Dover Grant.

So the rules say Reacher never forgot his watch. I would agree with that. Computer has memory.
And in the three books…I think that what Child was saying in parody, how 1977 was when having the computer “run things” was introduced.

A few years earlier, in the first book “deep down” Filly believed the author again was using Reacher as analogous to a computer but made the computer analogous to a specific weapon being discussed in appropriations meetings …in Washington…in a way that the “weapon” could be marketed and copied by enemies. The story was about how the military was trying to protect the concept from its enemies… unsuccessfully.

The one girl of the four military girls, in appropriations, in that story who would tell the truth, no matter what… who was honest beyond reproach, was killed in a car accident…Blond, a runner, competitive…I can guess who she was IRL…
Then “second son” book…was when the actual weapon (a computer *AI) was tested in South Korea at the marine base. And it handled civilian and military problems as easily as a kid with no experience… “like a well oiled machine, brand new out of the factory”.

Finally IT was taken to New York. to find son of Sam…alias SOS. And it did find the killer…but was powerless. Even found the killer with a black out of power…the part of the story contrived to make detection and success harder, and the story even introduces a rogue FBI agent. Her name is Hemingway.

Nothing is for chance, and as Filly reacquainted herself with reviews of “old man and the sea” written by Hemingway, she could see the mirroring of Hemingway characters in Jack Reacher. The baseball references. The statistics. The man’s man. The man was a triumph of good over evil, of success over trials. He was convinced, beyond shadow of doubt, of the righteousness of his ways and means. He taught an innocent boy how to be good and pure and successful. The old man in the sea was a hero.
So why did Le Child make Hemingway die in the High Heat story?

The computer overheated? Was compromised when it got to New York? Worked perfectly in South Korea at Pyeongtaek in 1977…in the analogy when it was kept in the military. In the story High heat the computer even “left a marker”with the civilian, so it could return to the day and place and specifically to the person of compromise.

The compromise was in the form of a woman and her name in the book was Chrissy. Was Chris an acronym for chemical hazards response information system, or was it short for Christ? A come to Jesus moment that he. Reacher the computer, failed? Used Christ to get into “heaven” illegitimately? Like the little mermaid. That type of Heaven is not really heaven as it is temporary.

In the story, even though the main character (who is a computer) could give a detailed description of the mass murderer, he did nothing when face to face with the perp. The female FBI agent Hemingway, was the one who turned in the description and she also captured the mobsters, which made “the whale disappear”. The whale had been her unremitting desire to catch the mobsters and take away their influence on the people of New York.

A whale is an analogy for someone with a lot of money…apparently paying for the privilege of illegally running the New Jersey turnpike and other geographic features. Those in the FBI who did not accept the bribes, got rid of “the whales”. Yet the one agent who did not accept bribes who killed the whale using Reacher, died. Hemingway .

“Save the whales” apparently is about keeping the mobsters in power.?
Anywho… Filly thought that it was interesting that the author wanted to be “le child” or innocent. Wanted to just tell the story. Wanted to let someone know.
Was using evil as an SOS.
Wanted to REACH HER.
Do not worry Le Child. God is in control. The computer, no matter how useful a tool,no matter how matter how powerful, is not more intricate or intelligent than God’s creation man. And man, knowing what has been compromised, and knowing what did not elevate woman OR man, but instead degraded her purpose, and his purpose, told the story, and put out an SOS so that this problem would be solved.

Good will prevail. GOD is prevailing.Like the old man and the sea, with cheerful determination in his eye, refusing to compromise and break under the challenges he faced in life.

Randomly chosen bible verse…Luke chapter 15 My son was lost and now he is found.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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