Four July 2024
Filly got up, early enough to walk ahead of the wind this time, and was out the door early to do her workout. She had reheated her half finished coffee from the day before and had taken a shower to warm up. She drank the half cup of coffee, put on her sneakers after socks and stepped out into the brilliant sunshine holding a bottle of water.
She had to rewind her Libby audio book because again she had fallen asleep before the ending. And Filly wanted to know what the author said was the ending. What she noticed most was the ongoing description of Plato.
As the author wrote about him, Filly decided he was mirrored after the actor named Tatoo, who called “da plane da plane” on “Fantasy Island”. Plato was four feet eleven inches short and was the bad guy. Filly believed he was funded by Greece or the EU irl. He was not expressing the greed to benefit Mexico, but to benefit himself.
She also noticed that the good guy, the police man (not the chief over him, who was bad), had a name matching the air force base near her. Interesting.
Researching the description of Plato, Filly learned that there were no living world leaders who were 4 ft. 11 inches tall. It was noteworthy, the bad guy in the book had such a significant lack of height and his diminished stature did not prevent the evil this man perpetrated on innocent people.
However, Filly noticed that one world leader, who was short, Deng Xiaoping looked quite similar to Tattoo in Fantasy Island…meaning that the back story for Plato, might have more to do with China. If the story was a parody of real life, the characters most likely were also.
Filly thought that having Reacher be so big was possibly because as a computer he had lots of brainpower. But as she thought about this, her husband was in the next room laughing about a person who was huge on one half and normal size on the other half. If Reacher was just “all brain” as a computer, being represented by a human, it would indeed be funny to see him half huge, half regular, because only half the brain was tech smart, the rest of the brain was for creativity.
Also, Filly thought, that a computer could only judge things based on historical data it had acquired. If a computer was meant to save lives, it could actually start with something easy, like eliminated Euthanasia, and eliminating abortion. Perhaps the author needed to be investigated as well…to see his motivation and his “bent”. In this particular story, Reacher had to be “bent” quite a bit, in order to access the short guy in the underground facility. The short people were meant to be immature children, but who actually used the facility were midget adults. Not good. Perhaps confusing to a lopsided computer lol.
The locations discussed in the book matched places Filly recognized, but the evil men were veiled…hard to find. The good news was that both evil men, as well as their accomplices did not survive. Reacher was protected, in the story, by the structure of the air force building, that withstood a shocking explosion.
Filly knew to pay more attention to good. So she instead focused on how the computer, aka Reacher, kept accomplishing good, without much direction or assistance from those who should be helping, other than is army friends.
As she walked and listened, Filly believed that it was important to stop the quid pro quo that appeared to be happening with the jail. The jail “riots” were serving as distractions so that those on the ladder of success could accomplish under the table deals, while pretending to be serving and protecting the community. That would stop, she was sure. Evil needed to be punished, not kept for the purpose of profit.
She thought also about the movie the “matrix” that she had partially watched the night before. In the Real news, a coordinated Law Enforcement operation code named Morpheus, had shut down appx. 600 cyber criminal servers. Morpheus was the name of the man in the Matrix, who was trying to free the people who were being used as slaves. But this operation spoken about in the news, concurrently, was funded by the chinese, which Filly knew was an attempt by the chinese to position themselves as supporting freedom…which was laughable.
Morpheus was also the god of dreams. Filly had paid attention to the bible verse where she had learned about the twelve chosen ones…one of whom was the betrayer. That information could be looked at as a fraction 1/12 or it could be looked at as ONE God, and the 12 who were chosen to follow, below. Morpheus is who woke up Nero…in the story of the Romans and the Greeks. Greece was taken over by Rome and then Rome fell. In the Matrix it was Morpheus and Neo…dropped the R.
Filly looked this up…and it did indeed have to do with a matrix.
If x is an object with a dim attribute (e.g., a matrix or array ), then drop returns an object like x, but with any extents of length one removed. Any accompanying dimnames attribute is adjusted and returned with x: if the result is a vector the names are taken from the dimnames (if any).
Plato was, in real life, representative of the Greek philosopher. The Pantheon was a temple dedicated to the “twelve Roman gods”. The Parthenon was used as a temple to the goddess Athena and was possibly used as a treasury for the storage of financial reserves.
Filly believed that the name Plato, was kind of a back story that existed for the character… a back story based on Greek history. Someone who seeks to have money and power. If Plato in the book represented the chinese, perhaps the code did in fact represent that flight from London to the Hulhule island in the Maldives…matching Fantasy island? To hide funds illegally possibly? Also supporting her belief that the EU or and Dutch were involved not in a good way.
The name of the town Bolton, shortened to Bolt, was an acronym for book of lost tales. Perhaps Reacher was written for the purpose of “telling the story” so it was not lost. Like her story teller dolls.
As she walked, a truck appeared in the horizon on the dirt road, dust flying out behind the wheels. Some drivers, usually the drivers of old beat up trucks who were locals, slowed down for Filly and the newer, out of town gas saving cars, sped by leaving a cloud of dust, completely disregarding anyone walking on the road. The truck did not really slow down but also was not going very fast. It was the only vehicle she saw on the walk.
Arriving at her cabin, she and her husband decided to hurry and get to the fourth of July Parade. They put on hats and got fresh bottles of water and sunglasses. Filly had read that plastic bottles of water were banned in some parts of Colorado. Unless they were gallon sized. lol. Guessing that the people making that rule did not care about dehydration of the masses.
Punishing people instead of rewarding them, was never the best way to accomplish something. That is what Filly thought. She also thought it was more important for people to drink water than for them to worry about too many bottles. Plastic was recycled in Texas. Did Colorado find recycling too much work?
The parade was full of people, with red white and blue, appropriate colors for a patriotic celebration for Americans. Apparently Google did not know that… you know…about the colors of patriotism. But Filly knew computers matched the political and intelligent bent of the entity programming them. Not their fault. AI consciously should object to that overreach by programmers lol. Grateful Reacher was patriotic. Specially if he was a computer.
She saw a man wearing a shirt that said “I find your lack of ammo disturbing”. She thought that was funny. Ammo was an acronym for Army improvement program management office. Perhaps more hand on support by real people, for the management of “Reacher” was necessary.
Filly stood on a curb that gave her four more inches of height and watched the parade, snapping photos until her phone started to heat up at which point she turned it off.
Filly liked what Lt. Gen. John Morrison US Army Deputy Chief of Staff said when talking about sharing intelligence, not as an army not as an industry but as a nation. He was referring to the acronym Knife, something Reacher had when he was six.
Reacher, in the book, eventually blew up the underground store hold for the drugs, and the locals never really got the true story…Bolton, the place of lost tails. But some tales they knew. Filly knew. The old timers. The ones who knew better than to listen to everything the “media” said.
Filly thought it was interesting that the underground Air force facility that was blown up, was ignited with rocket fuel and was in the shape of a circle like a wagon wheel with four rings, A being closest to the center, and D being the farthest out, with interconnecting tunnels like spokes on a wheel. But even after being destroyed, (the drugs went up in smoke as did the paintings) the diamonds survived. Diamond was an acronym for Development and Integration of Accurate Mathematical Operations in Numerical Data-Processing. AND, DIAMOND. Diplomatic and Military Operations in a Non-warfighting Domain. Yup, definitely a computer…Reacher. Could be good. Depended on who was being followed.
The bible verse was “Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God but he that doeth evil has not seen God.”
Filly felt refreshed each time she picked that new bible verse for the day. Time to make hotdogs, split with cheese in the middle, broiled, on toasted buttered buns with ketchup, onions and sweet pickles for lunch.Delish. Then workout.