Glitter party

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
6 min readAug 26, 2024


Glitter party

August 26 2024

Filly woke up because she was cold. That was rare, she usually was hot. She stared up at the fan above her head and got up and turned it off. Her mouth was dry from the fan blowing. She stared in the almost dark room and saw the painting she had done of two girls on a boat. It was one of her favorite paintings and she felt she had captured the essence of the scene, the joy, the sense of family, the sun on the water and on the faces. She studied the painting and thought about the ski painting she had just done and how she would redo it if she could. She imagined brighter colors, broader strokes, less definition and accuracy.

She sat up and wondered what Tater and Mister were doing. They had gone to sleep after watching first a movie about a priest and an angel, and then second, the wedding video of their parents. Filly wanted to make sure they were comfortable on the three inch memory foam mattress she had put in the study for them to sleep on. She had put a flannel skiing fitted sheet over the memory foam and had given them each a pillow. She had left them earlier in the evening with the video going, their faces lit by being so close to the screen, their hands on their elbows and their butts in the air, feet swinging up behind them with interest, side by side.

She tiptoed down the stairs and into the study and saw one child sprawled half on the mattress and half off. The other child was sprawled in an adjoining room, with a pile of blankets and pillows. They must have been separated because they would not go to sleep she decided. She walked into the kitchen and saw the bananas in the flowered cut metal bowl and peeled one to eat. At that moment, Tater came running in, excitedly, having just woken up.

“How was the movie last night” Filly asked. “Who was the little girl” she asked, because the movie kept showing a child that would appear and then disappear. Filly had read the cover of the G rated movie that was acclaimed as a family movie that uplifted.

“Well the priest was trying to help the lady who was going to have a baby and she did not have a husband. The lady’s boyfriend did not want to have the baby and the little girl was like a vision of what his baby would look like when she grew up.” Tater said. “Even though the lady and her boyfriend should not have hung around together so much because that was how she got pregnant, but the little girl vision told the boyfriend that All is forgiven”. “People should not hang around their boyfriend very much because when you do, your body just knows and you will be pregnant”, Tater said, her tangled bed head brown hair bobbing with her knowing brown eyes. “That was not a good thing for the lady because she did not have a husband or a job and she did not want a husband or a job and she was not married so who was going to take care of the baby” Tater asked? Good question Filly thought. She wondered how this family movie brought this “older kid topic to the forefront of Tater’s thinking. She would have to read reviews next time instead of just reading the cover.

“Hey Tater, would you like to watch your mom and dad’s wedding video again” Filly asked. She knew what was on THAT video.

“YAAAAA” Tater said, so Filly went into the study and put the show back on. “We have to get ready for church soon”, Filly said, “so we cannot watch it all” . They did not hear her…the father of the bride was giving a speech and the kids were transfixed. Filly tiptoed out and went to get dressed. She went as fast as she could because she was running out of time. Tater wanted to go to one church that started earlier than usual, and Mister wanted to go to the church that started later. If they planned it right they could go to both…satisfying both children.

About eight minutes later Filly was ready to go and give the kids their outfits for church. As she walked back from the bedroom to the study, she heard dancing music from the wedding party after party. On screen were the bride and groom dancing and twirling but what caught Filly’s attention was the jumping and twirling of Tater and Mister, along with sparkling gold flakes that were all over the room in the air and on the floor, glinting in the early morning sun that was peeking through the blinds. Glitter party” Tater was saying and she had a small test tube shaped vial and was still dumping more gold glitter into the air as she bust a move trying to imitate the dancers on the screen, her little brother copying her every move.

Oh dear lord, Filly thought. A mess…but still not a bad thing, just a mess to clean up before it got ground into the carpet or the electronics in the room. She left the video on, but rolled up the mattress and the sheets and took them out the front door and shook them in the grass. Then she got the electronics and used a soft feather duster to dust off the gold specks. The kids were still dancing …and continued to dance even as they put on their clothes. They danced and twirled full of joy. Filly was so glad they were having fun.

Once dressed, Filly noticed that they ony had a few minutes to get to church so she hurried them in the car…noticing neither one had on shoes so she sent them back in the house. She had bought shoes for them to wear when they were at her house, but often they wore the shoes home and forgot to bring them back. They were all out of Mister had to wear Girls black patent leather Mary janes and socks. It was his consequence. Tater had to wear shoes without socks because she did not bring any. They were not in time to go to the early church so they decided to go to the other church first and attend the late service of the second church. They used the extra time to get a breakfast meal at McDonald’s where Filly learned that Taters favorite part of the movie was when her dad pretended to throw the pokeball, and Mister’s favorite part was when his dad said “I will always love Pokémon”. Filly told them she liked the speeches and also liked how their mom had so much fun dancing. All the way across the room playing on the play area, Filly could still see the glitter on the kids sparkling when it caught the sun. She laughed.

She turned on her phone, and saw on X a video of RJK and Elon and Trump dancing…and a glitter ball came up over the three of them in the middle of the dance. She loved it. Staying alive it played and they danced. Just like Tater and Mister that morning only a half hour earlier.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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