Go to the head of the class
Recently when Filly was leaving her sons home in Austin, to drive somewhere with his six year old son, she put in the Google navigation, a destination. First Google told her to turn left, but then as she backed out of the driveway in the opposite direction, Google said to turn right.
As Filly ignored what the GPS was saying, because the six year old child in the backseat knew which direction to go, she realized that Google, only knows that something is moving. It does not know its head from its booty, basically. Filly laughed as she thought about it. She was driving, but Google did not know which end was her head and which end was her taillights.
In the game she knew growing up, Go to the head of the class, Google might be in the last seat in the back of the room haha. It could be going backwards the whole time.
At that moment, on the radio, Joel Olsteen as talking about “reverse the order”. Filly recognized that a machine, or an entity, cannot “pick” a side to be on. It only looks at progress or action. And progress can seem to happen when one is moving towards their head or their “ass” basically, to a computer.
The people of this country, Filly believed, had figured out that leading towards your booty, was not progress. In fact it was backwards. They had, with their vote, “reversed the order” with God’s help, and exalted, that which society had tried to “humble”. No more leading towards or with the tail end.
Leading with or towards the head, with thoughtful and spiritually insightful intuition, based on a close relationship with God, was what Christians were doing. They could not be deceived and they could not be denied. The computer, like the elections, and like the universe, were under God’s control.
The randomly chosen bible verse for the day, Romans 8 :16 said “the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. Children of God are receiving spiritual intuition every moment of every day.
The Holy Spirit, communicating with God’s people helps them recognize, for example, when someone is being a cheating orchestrator, like Eric Coomer, a dominion software engineer, who is no where to be found, who closed his restaurant and took off.
Filly did a lot of research about Dominion voting systems, and about the way it evolved from other corrupt voting systems like Smartmatic, and Sequoia and had associations with corrupt elections like the one in Venezuela… Just because something corrupt happened years ago, does not mean punishment or consequences for such, had been avoided or eliminated. There would still be consequences.
2017- 2018…
“Smartmatic, the electronic-voting company, decried Venezuela’s socialist regime for cheating in a 2017 election and a few months later announced it would stop running elections in the South American country after 13 years.
But documents from Venezuela’s National Electoral Council obtained by the Miami Herald show that Smartmatic licensed its software for use in three other elections after that, at least two of them secretly: the municipal elections of December 2017 and the disputed presidential election of May 2018.
The CEO of the voting technology company Smartmatic said Wednesday that results of Venezuela’s election for an all-powerful constituent assembly were off by at least 1 million votes.
Opposition leaders boycotted the election, arguing voting terms were rigged to favor the ruling socialist party.
On Monday, two prominent opposition leaders were dragged from their homes by heavily armed security agents and thrown in a military prison…”
Throwing the “opposition” in prison? Denying the corruption of electronic voting systems, in spite of evidence to the contrary? These things sounded eerily familiar to Filly, here in the USA since 2016.
She went to the computer to plug in her phone. Since she was traveling she planned to use her computer as a charger for her phone with the cord she had brought that plugged into the computer. But when she plugged it in, the phone screen did the same thing that Google navigation had done, it switched back and forth between saying it was taking in a charge and saying it was delivering data. Which direction was the “power” going, in or out?
Filly thought about this “metaphysically” and realized that though it might “seem” like the cord was responsible for the “power” and the “actions” that happened but that was just an illusion. Not even the electric company or the computer was responsible for the power or the actions of God’s people. Not even humans had the “ultimate” power.
Filly realized that the cord, like the car, which made it SEEM like Google Navigation was determining where the vehicle would go, was in reality, dependent on the person driving the actual car. Each person, having received spiritual intuition after listening to God, good, was making progress forward, deciding whether to adhere to the navigation of the computer or change course independently, because people are free to choose. God indeed makes crooked paths straight. God indeed is still the driver of human beings.
Filly thought about the dream she had that night. She, in the dream, was in an unfamiliar house and she went to the bathroom to wash her hands. She had been told that there was another bathroom in the house farther away and that it was basically out of order. Out of curiosity, she went down the hall to look at the bathroom, and when she got to the end of the hall, the bathroom door, which had a glass pane, allowed her visibility. Filly, in her dream, could see quite a number of men, as huge as “Jack Reacher”, standing side by side, comparing notes about something.
They were in her house. They were not easily visible because they were secret and they were there to be of service. And they were watching her back or her “six”. That realization, that God provided “protection” for his people who listened to his directions, without anyone asking for it, was very inspirational.
Filly knew that in the USA, their “driver” God, was having them reverse, like Joel Olsteen had been talking about, and turn away from many evil things. Filly thought that the USA would now “back out” of wrong things like the W.H.O., and back out of having illegal immigration that hurt citizens, and back out of electronic voting systems that can be manipulated and cheated with, and back out of D.E.I. because it actually was very racist, and back out of government run education because it was brainwashing children towards Marxism and atheism, and back out of rules that prevent God from being in schools.
Having gone in that wrong or “booty” direction, fueled by “the computer” which did not know its head from its ass, had been the problem. Pirates booty never did anyone any good did it?
But now, the driver God, showing his people what was really going on, would allow them to pay attention to the head and not the tail. They were moving TOWARD, honesty and smaller government, toward reduced taxes, increased spirituality and church attendance, toward more family unity with both mom and dad in a home, and toward more babies born in committed and loving families.
The “strong men” in her dream would protect all honest and good efforts. The early Christmas present of the baby Jesus, very apparent in the recent election, was still fresh in Filly’s mind. The people in her country were like the little drummer boy, and the beat they played in unison, was one of great love for God and good. Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum, a new born KING to see!!
It was time to sing with the faithful! No need to change the lyrics of this song…
Oh come all ye faithful
1 O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!
Come, and behold Him, born the King of angels!
O come, let us adore Him;
O come, let us adore Him;
O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord!
2 God of God, Light of Light,
lo, He abhors not the virgin’s womb;
very God, begotten not created; [Refrain]
3 Sing, choirs of angels; sing in exultation;
sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest![Refrain]
4 Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning;
Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv’n!
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing! [Refrain]