God … fits me to a TEA!
When all the world seems to be in disarray and worrisome, and I feel all I am doing is praying, it is at such times that I turn to small sources for comfort and rest. For me this is the tea party.
I have, many many times, enjoyed a tea party with the little ones in my care and they too have come to look forward to that peaceful time where we drop sugar cubes, pour cream and sip tea with home made scones. (thank you pioneer woman for an AWESOME scone recipe!
I was recently at the antique gallery near me and found a darling cream and sugar bowl set that SCREAMED “short and stout” like the song “I’m a little tea pot”. I thought it was the cutest thing I have seen in a while.
It is wonderful to me how much joy I get from small things such as these. It is not just the fact that they are shiny and little that appeals to me, but the fact that they remind me of delicious sweet ice tea that my mom makes, and the elegance of high tea, and sharing some “down time” with those closest to us when times seem tough. When we can rest and do this, it allows our faith and trust in God, good, to become more pronounced and palpable in our thinking.
I wanted to ensure that my daughters always had opportunities to have tea as well so each of them has been the recipient of several lovely floral, sometimes gold tipped teacups and matching saucers. The last time I was visiting California, I was even able to find an exquisite teapot that had been made into a sort-of night light and it had a warm rosy glow emitting from it’s center.
My daughter loves it and it sits on her kitchen counter, warming all who see it and inviting them to consider a cup of tea to start the morning.
My own personal tea set is made of assorted cups and saucers and is on a tray that I designed and painted at the pottery place. The child gracing the front of it graces my presence regularly and Tea is still the highlight of most of our visits. With a cup of tea and a quiet moment, it is easy to rest and understand how our prayers are being answered in Gods time, and how blessings are “chasing us down”.
“My prayer some daily good to do, to thine, for thee” speaks of always being on the lookout, to do good but sometimes, when things seem overwhelming, having faith and trusting God is exactly what fits us to a TEA!