God IS love

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
4 min readFeb 12, 2021


I am tired of looking at this sign and not saying anything. I believe God is good. Like the wind, we cannot see God but we can see evidence of good. God is love, and love inspires good.

Those who say Love is Love are not only NOT ascribing a source to good, they are REFUTING the existence of God, the source of all good. I personally have seen miraculous healings by acknowledging good and it’s source(God), in spite of the material picture that seems bad. If you look for the bad, expecting to find it, you surely shall. So why not pay attention to good? Those who do not believe in God do not seem happier or more successful. I feel sorry for them. But evil destroys itself. Evil chooses to stay in the pit.

And speaking of pits the comment on the bottom of this SIGN, about injustice in one place threatens justice everywhere? How is it JUST to deny God when God is real? Is it JUST to say “Black lives matter” when the democrat political party supposedly supporting black lives also supports abortion and planned parenthood, an organization created by Margaret Sanger who wanted to use abortion for the purpose of eugenics, to remove the black population which she felt was inferior. This is historical fact, as is the fact that more black babies are aborted in New York than are born live, so there is now negative black population growth in New York City, just like Margaret Sanger wanted. How is it JUST to say Black lives matter when you support Black babies extermination? Such hypocrisy.

Water is life? Oh mercy me, can people get any more confused!!! Water is a MIRROR. A mirror reflects the REVERSE of life. If you see a tree growing by a lake, the tree is alive …and the “tree” you see reflected in the water is NOT alive. Be my guest and jump in the water and see how long you live in the swamp. Water cannot originate life…it can only reflect it.

A mirror is the opposite of the original. That is why the SECOND story of genesis is a MIRROR, or REVERSE of the first..to show us that what is original is what is real and what is a mirror is a fraud. Second genesis is also the place of Original Sin because Sin takes the original and pretends it is real but it is a mirror or the opposite of good…The original is in the first story of genesis. The original is good.

Your sign says NO human is illegal? HMMMM then how do you explain the legality of abortion you bozos? “nuff said”. (Maybe you should talk to China about THOSE BABY GIRLS who are “not legal” and the female genocide that has been occurring)…if you want to SUPPORT HUMANS…then why are we paying W.H.O. which is run by China, which REGULARLY exterminates infants? Having certain HUMAN babies is ILLEGAL there…in case you forgot. Just wondering about your logic… (you must have left without Spock's brain lol)

Women's rights… you mean like the rights of baby women in china… those “illegal” babies who have been exterminated in the largest female genocide ever of more than a hundred million girls? Yeah I agree they have rights. But you have no right to say so because you do not honor their rights no matter what you say, your behavior is the MIRROR of women's rights…the opposite. A woman might want to argue that she does not want to keep her baby. In that case, once she delivers her human baby, she can let someone else keep it. A woman saying she does not want to keep her baby is not the same as a woman saying she wants to kill her baby. Those are not even remotely the same thing.

Finally you say “in this house we believe”…what house? Blacks who are encouraged to have abortions, and have fatherless families are living in tents under bridges. Those who HAVE A HOUSE, by the grace of God, LISTEN to his words. “Choose Life” it says. By their fruit you shall know them. Blue dead babies…I do not call that good fruit do you?

Your sign is a fraud and an embarrassment to truth and logic. Good luck with that and I do not believe in Luck. NO REVERSAL



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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