The big shut out and the FBI…
I am watching Quantico, a TV series done a few years back about the FBI. What I have learned from watching this “programming” is that there is a portrayal by the media that it is more important for those in government positions to protect each other’s backs, than to deliver justice and that even those who are IN positions of power, find that they do not trust those around them because everyone has secrets.
What is interesting is that in this show, the more that everyone knows about everyone else in the agency, the more catastrophic any secrets revealed become. So this makes me think that in reality, the reverse is probably more truthful, that the FBI may have some bad people but MOST of them probably are trying to deliver justice, as opposed to what the media and the TV series is saying…and that as opposed to having secrets, that which is evil is probably hiding “in plain sight”.
This show Quantico is all about how privacy is afforded only those at the top, due to their security clearance, (security clearance which somehow always fails to catch the most important information or secrets of high ranking individuals) and everyone else's privacy can be invaded and their secrets are up for grabs. Do you remember the days that everyone said that they did not care if their privacy was invaded, that they had nothing to hide?
I remember those days because it was not that long ago. But is protection afforded those of us who are included or locked in (as part of an exclusive group like the FBI), or is protection instead, for those of us who are “shut out” or locked out? If you love someone and you want them protected…often that protection currently appears to mean a “shut out” (isolation) which then, in the game of baseball, means a win for one team only.
In baseball a shut out means every attempt to get the ball hit past the opposing team in order to score is stopped…usually with great pitching. But in the absence of great pitching, there can still be a shut out. We see this analogy of a shutout in many arenas, not just baseball.
I am thinking about the pitch that has been made to all of us to get a substance that has not been approved by the FDA that is experimental, injected into our bodies that is deemed necessary by a pcr test that has been said by a group of lawyers bringing a class action suit against humanity, to be eighty percent false positive. This pitching in this “game” is flawed…so the infield has to catch the balls that are hit..and one way the infield does this (in the case of vaccines) is by getting kids to shut out their parents who refuse to be lab rats and to get parents to shut out kids who refuse to be lab rats. Hmmm, according to the WHO, when kids or parents do this EVERYBODY WINS. lol um no. It is called a shut out for a reason. Everybody does not win.
A shut out also involves a waiting game, and it involves shutting out those who are family and loved ones. How long will it take for those who pitched the game by cheating, the same way the astros were said to have played, get discovered, and the shut out win that is dishonest have appropriate consequences or be reversed? And what will the consequences be for those pitching the dishonest big pharma game, with Bill Gates holding the licensing for all the balls in play (the drugs needed).
Because when faced with leprosy, what Jesus would NOT do is shut people out. Jesus suffered the cross, so that people COULD choose the cross from disease to health, the cross from death to life, the cross from bad to good. But it is a choice. Everyone can be “protected” and it is not just for the winning team in baseball, it is not just for mask wearers, and not just for people who only feel safe with a is also for all those who have been shut out because they do not want the vaccine, do not wear a mask and are not sick.
Heaven is only good, and only true, and is not bad, and those saying that everyone is at risk unless they choose to believe that everyone is a carrier of a disease are not the representatives of Heaven. It seems more like they are the representatives of hell. But we CAN choose the cross by our behaviors that follow good, accepting consequences for mistakes and asking for forgiveness and also forgiving. Our father, who art in HEAVEN.
If you love your mom or dad, and say it is important for them to be “safe” and get the prick, you are part of the shut out, planned and implemented by the gates foundation, to help the big pharma to get richer, which has nothing to do with Heaven…but as for your parents, if they have survived all this time without the prick, maybe, just maybe, it is because THEY ARE NOT SICK and also they are NOT AFRAID, and also they are not BEING MANIPULATED by money, power or evil intentions.
Would you consider getting a shot that you do not need, do not believe in, and do not trust, just to be allowed to see your family if it caused you to lose your firstborn child? Would you allow someone to take your blood that way to be safe? Would you consider shutting out your loved one if they refused to get the same shot? If you do not think that this could happen, Who would have ever thought that kids would refuse to see their parents unless they kept their faces covered? When did our own choices for individual freedom, require that others make the same choices as we do, in order for it to be “fair”? The whole point of freedom is INDIVIDUAL CHOICES.
Knowing that things have been done to restrict information from reputable scientists regarding the legitimacy of these protocols being implemented, and knowing that there is LOTS OF MONEY To be made in the process by those enforcing the protocols, should cause most people to be wary.
But in any case, if someone asked for you to give up your firstborn child because that is what you would need to do in order to survive, I believe most of you would never agree.(well unless you are one of those “my body my choice” people regarding abortion, or unless you lived in china when your one child government allotment was born a baby girl, or unless you are black and live in New York and planned parent hood has convinced you that aborting babies is preferable because then you are not “inconvenienced” and can get government funds, because you do not realize that Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood and her eugenics wanted to exterminate blacks)(the black birth rate in New York currently is lower than the black abortion rate)
And what if there was a pharaoh, who at that time was holding all the power, and who felt safe requiring that of all the slaves he controlled and manipulated, the same way our government is controlling and manipulating us, lose their firstborn son. But what if the curse that he put upon the innocent people who were asking for freedom from his slavery, that the first born son of each family be killed, was reversed by the hand of God, and it was HIS firstborn son who was taken and the firstborn sons of all his people were taken as well? Remember history? It is supposed to teach us. Even if governments are not fair, God is.
It is not inconceivable that the restructuring of genes that happens with FORCED or fear manipulated vaccine delivery, could lead to the destruction of firstborn sons and daughters of those being manipulated by the current “pharaoh” at the world health organization. Remember what happened to babies born after the mothers were given Thalidomide? It is the Whos down in whoville, the tall and the small who are deleting christmas, not the Grinch. The Grinch who was “bad” but was really good, today could be the glitch…the big bad glitch in that great big old computer who seems to have come to take away all that is good. But perhaps the glitch is going to do exactly what the Grinch did…. take all that it stole back and then some, and return it all it has taken to give back to those who believe they have lost everything following the implementation of a dishonest “great reset”. Is that why Dr. Seuss is being censored. He is an accurate “prediction”. =) Can’t stop good from happening. Can’t stop, won’t stop.