Driving to Austin, I was listening to a station that is supposed to play music, but suddenly the radio announcer started talking about yearbooks….
“I don’t know if yearbooks are now online or if they still produce hard copies because it has been years since I had a yearbook” he said. “but if a girl can’t fit all her hair in the photo, then she should get it for free”.
Now I may not be judge and jury, like this radio announcer thinks he is, but it sounds like he was saying that girls who have big hair are trashy and therefore must be poor and need to get free stuff. Um no.
But I think big hair is awesome, the bigger the better. There are some OTHER things that I call trashy…
I think it is trashy to take out a student loan and promise to pay it back, get a free education, and then shift the debt on to the backs of middle class hardworking America. Looking for votes anyone? I think it is trashy to cheat on elections, ie. to vote when you are not legit, or to not vote when you ARE legit. THAT'S trashy.
I think it is trashy to lie to people when you are in public office or anywhere else for that matter. I think it is trashy to spend more money than you make as an individual or as a government, and then cause inflation.
I think it is trashy to tax people, because they should be able to spend their own money the way they want, and donate to worthy causes, instead of being taxed. I think it is trashy to depend on google or government, instead of depending on God. I think it is trashy to be a judge or DA. and not hold people who do wrong, accountable.
I think it is trashy to steal. I think it is trashy to use drugs instead of exercise, and healthy moderate eating. I think it is trashy to take money from other countries and then sell out your own country. I think it is trashy to have frivolous sex, and then use abortion as birth control. I think it is trashy to make a place your home, and then demean it or try to destroy it, instead of trying to improve it.
Simply put, I think trashy is a “behavior” not someone’s “appearance”.
Interestingly, as I was getting “incensed” or angry, I suddenly stopped and recognized a play on that word “incensed” because it was in my randomly chosen bible verse for today.
God is always looking out for me and helping me deal with trauma or things that get me upset. This is what God said to me to calm me down when I was feeling “incensed”.
And the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angels hand.
The bible verse for today…about “incense”, tells us how God knows when evil is trying to manipulate good people, because he can see it as easily as he can see incense floating up, beside the prayers of angels.
When we are tempted to be enraged or incensed, there is a directive for us to follow, instead of retaliating, and that is to let God handle it, because GOD SEES our “incense” and as clearly as he sees our prayers. God is just and when we do not act on our anger, and instead, allow God to handle any injustice, we can know that God sees it clearly and has the best answers.
God knows that where there was smoke there is fire, and God is the one who burns what is trash, not us. (the chaff and the wheat)
My hair does look bigger than the above “frame”, but I am even bigger than frames. I am bigger than to resort to trolling. I am bigger than to take government handouts that are put in place to manipulate voters. I am bigger than to stay home and refuse to work…I paid for my college with scholarships and hard work during the summers. I am bigger than to lie, cheat, or be dishonest, and so are most of the people I know. The jury is out on who is actually running this country, BUT GOD SEES THE BIGGER picture. No one bought my vote, it went to elect the one who wants to make America Great again.
I listen to the radio for good music, new music, and for interesting stories that show intelligence, and I am grateful for it for now. I am grateful for the idea of what can be “framed” and what cannot be “framed”. (laughing face emoji here which for some reason cannot be displayed on this platform)
The tip…for radio announcers… if I stop listening to the radio because it becomes trashy with trolls, drug advertising, etc., everyone else will also stop listening too. Just sayin…
I can always count on the bible. And this time, I counted on it to help me see that being incensed is not useful. Allowing incense to float away like smoke, is a great idea, to keep things clear and bright. YAY.
Release “incense” with prayer. I DID, you can too. =)