Is dad in the picture?

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
3 min readSep 4, 2024


The email said that she had missed pictures. Filly could not wait to see what was new on the photo album. She clicked on the link and looked at the new photos. What stood out to her was the joy and satisfaction in the pictures of her son’s in law’s and her sons. They were all good dads. They worked hard. They came home to their families. They stood beside their wives and supported them emotionally and in other ways, even when things were tough or complicated. And they did not forget their parents or their parents parents. They remembered them, and kept them close.

They loved their children and made efforts to keep them occupied, well adjusted, well fed and protected. They were fit and active and reasonable to talk to. The children were thriving. They all prayed, and sang songs together, and went to parks, and to the library. They did crafts and had conversations and built rockets or prepared tea parties and danced.

Two of the dads were excellent cooks. One was a master of programming and computer management and an iron man finisher. Another was a trail running coach and a hundred mile in altitude finalist. One was a boat captain and was an accomplished piano player. Another was a firefighter and fitness buff with great dance moves.

Their connection was secure, not just to their families but to the world. Families getting back to what was important, like developing the talents of self and children was a priority. Filly had to be grateful that dads who cared about kids and family also voted. Made sure to keep the life they enjoyed available for their children by paying attention to the actions of politicians, noting when their policies cost the family.

Any politician who diminished the role of parents, or diminished the value of life, or who failed to protect and honor the citizens needed to be ousted. Filly looked forward to the power of God in the actions of families, particularly dads who loved and honored their wives and children. She knew dads would step up to the plate. It would be a grand slam.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.