Jump for God’s love
I have been thinking about the song by the Pointer Sisters, “jump for my love”.
Jump for my love
Jump in, and feel my touch
There are many good and classic songs that we can listen to and apply to having a relationship with God instead of a person and it makes the song take on a new meaning. I love the idea of JUMPING to do what God is speaking to us individually, expecting good as a result!
I thought about how this might help any of the few people who are still afraid and who still are “testing” etc. years after what was supposed to be a few week “quarantine”. I am not afraid and neither are most people I know, and I heard this podcast that really sort of hit the nail on the head as to why I feel like me and so many others are not afraid.
In the podcast I listened to, with Russ Gerber, he talked about how he read this article about Africa, and how it was titled “please, no more negative images”. Gerber said that society has a view of Africa as being a failure, and full of abject poverty because that image is the only image that the world is allowed to see.
But he said that there are hundreds of thousands of stories of joy, success and progress in Africa, and that all those stories have been filtered out by those presenting the negative picture to the world.
Is it a fact that there might be some poverty in Africa? Yes, BUT is it TRUTHFUL that everyone in Africa is poor?
Is it helpful or even TRUE to BELIEVE that the facts about one individual represent the experience of many individuals? There is a difference between what is an isolated fact and what is THE TRUTH. One of the richest assets and source of progress for a country is in fact, it’s humanity. Africa is rich in humanity. And the truth is, that there are many, many success stories of joy and progress in Africa, a land which is not defined solely by negative images which are filtering out all the good.
I know a wonderful woman who, who I love dearly, and when she had her first baby, she was terrified that the baby would get SIDS. According to her doctor, is it a fact that an isolated number of babies die. But I maintain the truth, that this isolated fact is not representative of what is the truth about babies.
I have had five babies including twins, and it is also a fact that most babies are healthy and that health is their natural state. I can sympathize because I know how it feels to be afraid for a child, because when Eevie got sick and could not breathe without difficulty and had to go to the hospital, I was so afraid for her. But I do not have to believe, or accept that a bad outcome for one child, is representative of what will happen to all children, especially to my own children or their children or other children.
With a lot of prayer, and trust in God, I have come to understand that it does not help any human being, for people to believe that an isolated problem (called a scientific fact) defines life but rather to trust God and know that natural good health is the truth about life.
The podcast I listened to, pointed out that as the “facts” being disseminated, continue to filter out all the GOOD, some people are starting to believe that it is true that we can never expect to be healthy again as a society, Maybe the fact is that a few are not healthy, but what is being filtered out is that the overwhelming majority of society IS healthy. These “rules” that take an isolated fact and project them onto an entire society have fallacies in their “logic”. I will explain…
My dear friend with the baby was also told by a doctor to not take the baby outside unless it was at least seventy degrees outside. The doctor told her that babies should sleep in the crib with no blankets or padding so the baby was put to bed in the sixty two degree house with no blankets or bumper pads, but was not allowed to go outside until it was seventy degrees? The baby was colder inside the house than outside, which was the majority of the time? Do you see how rules with fallacies of logic, governed by isolated facts, that ignore the truth (and common sense) for the majority of the population, can cause irrational fear?
Babies, I have seen, (after having five of my own, and after seeing so many other people’s babies), are resilient, portable and love being rocked, held and read books to. Isolated rules should not have been imposed on any new parent that REQUIRE babies to sleep in a crib without a blanket, or not be allowed outside unless it is seventy degrees. Isolated rules that ignore truth, are divisive, restrictive and damaging to humanity.
The sun is in fact is useful and helps eliminate bilirubin in babies who are jaundiced, and going outside is good exercise for moms, and the sunshine helps babies get on a good sleep schedule. Babies love sunshine and it is good for them the majority of the time. That is the truth.The truth is balanced and does not incite fear.
It is a fact that a few new parents are occasionally a bit worried about their babies, but the best doctors, tell the parents to love and enjoy their babies because they grow up quickly. They trust the common sense of the parents and instill confidence in the PARENTS that promotes harmony.
Projecting one person’s mistake or sickness onto the whole of society by filtering out all the good that is really happening in most cases, in favor of believing the power of one negative image, is not only NOT truthful, it is the wrong answer.
It made me think of how there is one right answer for every math problem and most people arrive at that correct answer. But what if society only paid attention to the people who got the answer wrong, and projected that mistake on everyone else? Though it is a scientific fact that there are a few people in society who make mistakes in math, the rules of the universe are not altered to accommodate these mistakes because we pay attention to and base our understanding on the right answers. Why would we shift or alter our perception of the good in our universe to make a platform based on projecting a mistake??
Society has figured out that looking at mistakes in math does nothing to help people arrive at the right answer. Looking at the wrong answer and studying it and believing it is real, will never create the correct answer lol.
For every math problem, there are a jillion wrong answers, and we could spend our whole life worrying about these wrong answers, but isn’t it much easier to just learn the right answer and pay attention to all of those? The wrong answer has no power to make the right answer wrong. It is not contagious, rather it is a belief that without knowing what is wrong, we cannot be right?? REALLY???
With my own family I trusted God would forgive me and my kids any “mistakes”, math or otherwise, and would show us the right way. In trusting God I have been able to realize a wonderful family life and have had healthy children and am so grateful. We have not been gridlocked by fear.
Those who believe in the “fact” that some people die from covid, should know that the scientific fact of some individual’s experiences do not represent the MAJORITY of society, and that the majority is healthy. That is the truth. Should we live our lives in fear for the many, because of an isolated “fact” that filters out all the good, or should we realize and live in the truth, that mankind is healthy and life is good. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. I love that acronym because TRUTH cannot filter out evidence of good and call itself “science”.
Last but not least, is it “kind” to cater to those who would ask us to join them in their fear based rituals? Hmmmm… Should we listen to those who are “virtue signaling” to us that we must “comply” or we are not being “kind” to them? Haha..that is an easy question.
To answer that I recall how Jesus was put in that same situation. He was asked by the devil, to turn stones into bread, (and he was very hungry in the desert, fasting so I feel sure he was worried that he would not have what he needed to eat). Instead of doing what the devil suggested to him, he trusted in God and told the devil to not tempt him.
But then the devil made another suggestion, one that the devil hoped would cause Jesus to question the power of God. Satan asked Jesus to JUMP off the mountain and PROVE God would save him with the angels.
The devils “logic” was that if Jesus jumped then it meant that he listened to evil instead of trusting God because Jesus already knew God would save him because Jesus said God was all powerful. And the logic of the devil also was that if the reverse happened, and if Jesus jumped and God did not save Jesus, then God was NOT all powerful.” Then the devil could say “the devil made him do it”, and the devil could claim “power” which was his whole motive in the first place. But God saved Jesus, not with angels, but with the understanding that SUGGESTIONS HAVE NO POWER TO PUSH JESUS OFF THE CLIFF. Jesus knew to NOT LISTEN to satan.
Also, unfortunately for him, the devil was using a fallacy of logic arguing called “affirming the consequent”, which mistakenly states, that if something is true, the opposite of it is true also. This is a fallacy.
An example of this would be to say, if it rains in Texas, then the sidewalks get wet. Affirming the consequent would be to say, if sidewalks are wet in Texas, then it has rained. The consequent, or reverse of the TRUE affirmative statement is in fact NOT true.
But Jesus knew that the devil does not operate in TRUTH, he just operates in single “facts” and “fallacies”, in an attempt to incite fear and to take control of our thinking.
We are not supposed to try to control the suggestions that come to us to tempt us to be afraid, even Jesus did not try to control the suggestions coming to him from the devil. BUT we CAN control our RESPONSE to these evil suggestions.
Jesus did not even get bother or try to have a logical discussion with the devil because the devil defies logic. He did not feel sorry for the devil and jump off the cliff in order to appease the devil and prove that God was God. WE ALSO, just like Jesus, do not have to cater to someone else's fear to prove that we are healthy.
Jesus said “BEGONE SATAN”. Yup, he did. He did not apologize and he did not take any goofy false positive test.
My dad always said, “if someone says everyone else is jumping off a cliff does that mean you should”? lol What did Jesus do in that situation? He listened to GOD and he was not afraid.
Jesus did not have to figure out some smart scientific argument to give to the devil he just told the devil where to go…didn't he? Jesus never questioned the power of God and never put God to the test because then that would have been listening to that nasty old devil.
Jesus did not worry that if he did not do what the devil asked, that there would be bad consequences for him, just like WE do not need to worry that if we refuse to cater to those few individuals, asking for vaccinations or masks or testing, that there will be bad consequences for us. It simply is not the TRUTH.
Jesus just knew to stay rooted in good and listen to God, his heavenly father and trust THE TRUTH. We all have the ability to make that same choice, trusting God, good. The truth really will set us free. Jesus proved it, and health is in truth, natural.
Today I know we will JUMP, for God’s love, and refuse to listen to false evil suggestions that incite fear. Thank you God for each new day, and I know you hear me always.