Kids are not excess “baggage”
Recently I was having fun “designing a suitcase” for a contest (non noteworthy) on Pics art. I was awake in the middle of the night so it was entertaining to me.
But as I “created” I realized something. Man does not create anything out of “nothing”. Only God does that. God, spiritual, creates ideas, and mankind is the expression of these ideas.
My fictitious suitcase, “idea” was “wrapped”, or giftwrapped, with a screen shot of the painting I just finished of a little girl with a red headband, in a field of imaginary flowers. As I searched for just the right photo to use as a background, I wanted the luggage to not just be part of a contest, but to have a message…a spiritual message.
I like saying something useful, something that supports God’s laws. And for me, recently, when five babies were discovered in a bucket of trash…since I am one of five babies born in my family, this deeply saddened me. Babies are not trash. Babies are not excess “baggage”.
This is wisdom that can be transmitted from the very old to the very young. It can be as simple as a picture. Those who compartmentalize their lives, and hope to keep kids in a compartment, can easily see in a picture, that children do not fit into a compartment inside a piece of luggage, excess or not.
They belong on THE OUTSIDE. They are in fact “the family jewels, and the value that they bring is in their innocence, their purity, and their perfection. In a world where everyone says nothing is original any more, babies are the ultimate original idea; a portrait painted by God.
A child, looking at themselves as excess luggage, might not understand. And a wise one, looking at the excess luggage, might try to explain. But the richness of meaning is in the awareness that neither person is touching, holding or carrying that luggage, or that mistaken belief of children as excess baggage…With that understanding , we can know as well that a camel can get through the eye of a needle easier than a rich man (with lots of luggage) can get into heaven.
Children are how we receive riches. Increase and multiply and fill the earth, and in doing so, we enrich the earth and everyone in it with new ideas, and new ways to solve problems. Those who would do otherwise, and try to limit, infect with a virus/sterilize, or destroy these innocent ideas, are not listening to God. Kids are not excess “baggage”…its “no contest”.
And since “No contest” means accepting a “conviction” without an admission of guilt, it is interesting that conviction can mean “strongly held belief” as well as having the meaning “punishment”. Are our “convictions” going to determine our punishment, or demonstrate our strongly held beliefs? Which meaning applies to those who have compartmentalized babies?
God sees, and there is no such thing as “no contest” with God…whether we admit guilt for something or not, God knows our heart, and he has already told us how to live. “Choose life” is pretty straightforward…. Not confusing.