Land Snakes alive

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
5 min readMay 2, 2024
Get ready law enforcement

Filly seemed to have a headache. She had been around a sick person and it could be argued that she might have a headache as a precursor to getting sick herself, but she rejected that thought.

She did not give it any power.

Then she remembered that she had given up Coke. She had somehow started drinking it again after having decided not to. But after listening to the audio-book of “Unwoke” by Ted Cruz, and learning how businesses including Coke, were leveraging their power to do things like hire, based on race instead of qualifications and push fake climate agenda; she realized, thinking about Coke, that caffeine withdrawals could cause headaches.

“Take in something that has a negative consequence, then deal with the negative consequences or stop taking it in” she thought. That meant no more Coke… that meant no more “a lot of negative things”.

She had been distracted by the evil manipulation of peoples money, for the purpose of an agenda other than protecting investments. She saw that many individuals and big investment companies like state street, black rock and others, were forcing ESG scores, with the threat of removing substantial shares, as motivation for compliance, and these must concretely be stopped.

They would bankrupt their investors. Kind of like what happened to Enron and its investors. That was where her sister had been working …for Arthur Anderson, a few years before it went bankrupt. Her sister had integrity. Had she consumed information like the girl in the movie “fifth element” and was a threat to those performing illegitimate business practices?

Filly realized that businesses needed to stop letting big shareholders like Blackrock, State street and others control their business decisions and instead let these corrupt companies release their shares without fear. (False Evidence Appearing Real) Those huge investment firms would self destruct if all business stood strong against them. THEY HAD NO REAL POWER.

Filly had also been listening to Hero, in another audio book, where Lee Child outlined how “fiction”, was supposedly a remedy to the dissatisfaction that happens in real life, (with seeming failures of the police and justice system). But “rigged” failures were not the same as legitimate failures.

A fictitious “rig” was a remote internet gateway something that was not what one encountered in real life. But a real rig, was an oil rig, many of which were still in Texas and all up and down the USA. They were major sources of independent energy for her nation. They provided the means to protect human beings in extreme climates and they were being targeted by investment companies and by the current administration, which would make people dependent on other countries who could then, shut them down.

Energy also was what fueled the defense department so was a vital part of the security of her country. The fiction rigs could not stop the real rigs. People were realizing that fiction had no power if they rejected it.

Filly thought about what would happen instead, if people understood that believing fiction (things that did not have a face or a real time existence but attempted to simulate such) prevented people from attempting to have real life success.
Filly did not write fiction. She believed Hollywood also was not portraying fiction. Real life was hiding in plain sight in Hollywood only Hollywood was the one making the money, not the real life version. One only needed to understand the language. And it was not artificial, to have the intelligence to do so. It was a Christian thing. Something most of Hollywood avoided (Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real Hollywood, reiterated for the record… you know the “turntable” records)

There were those who thought that anyone believing in God, was “bat shit crazy”, three words Lee Child used a lot in his narrative that had a special connotation for Filly with regards to the recent theft of large sums of moneys she was researching. Trusting God, to many was even stupider than believing in God.

But Filly thought that believing in what constantly evolving “science” said, as the final “truth” was indeed more “Bat shit crazy”. Covid in a nutshell…. God had nothing to do with that. Filly realized that after listening she DID know Jack. lol

“Nice to meet you Jack Reacher”. “But just sayin, I have more “reach”.

Filly smiled. She knew Jack got lots of attention so that was good for anyone who did not know jack.

Filly had learned just that morning, that evil would be slithering on the ground and eating dust. That was her randomly chosen bible verse for the day.

For all the ways that God had stepped in and directed her path she was grateful. She wanted to help those trapped in the brainwash of believing the “fiction” and though she did not agree with Fiction being the solution, she did agree that looking at that which was good, was the way to allow God to do his work.

Believing the good might seem like Fiction. But God always come through for those who trusted and believed. Filly had concrete evidence. Writings that paid attention to what God was saying, were instruments that helped to accomplish that platform of Good. God fought the battles more successfully than any human methodology.

Filly read Google had just let go of Python employees. But that was just the start, of the reversal of evil, as Python was only one kind of snake and apparently all the evil “snakes” had to be revealed. Google may have thought it got a jump on the “game” with its “data based object oriented Real-time System” or (Doors), or its Real-time object oriented methodology, (Rooms) but knowing what was fiction and what was truth was really helpful. Not one iota of “good” could be destroyed. Those who worried about losing the internet had to understand that.

The dust was already evident…and that was where the snakes had to go. Dust… Did U See That? In plain view yes. Evil revealed.

Law enforcement, justice department, get ready to do your good work… In Jesus name.

“They will lick dust like a snake, like creatures that crawl on the ground. They will come trembling out of their dens; they will turn in fear to the Lord our God. and will be afraid of you.”



Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.