Moms simple remedies
For eye issues, Mom told us to boil water, add salt and let it cool. Then put that cooled water in a small glass and use it to flush the eye. Repeat several times on one eye. Rinse cup and put in more cooled, boiled water to flush the other eye.
Vaseline is a great lash treatment for eyelashes and lips, as well as for skin dryness. It is the only thing Mom every used to prevent diaper rash on babies. In dry climates, it can be dabbed in the nose to prevent nosebleeds.
Brush teeth once a week with baking soda to remove tartar from teeth. Every few weeks swoosh mouth with hydrogen peroxide and spit out to keep teeth white.
Sunscreen with titanium dioxide is one of the best sun protections especially for sensitive skin. Hats and gloves also work and are good to use when outdoors or driving.
Eating prunes and oatmeal with raisins helps prevent constipation.
Calamine lotion works great for any area on the skin that itches. It is a great skin “tightener” for under eye bags and is helpful to put on areas that need to be kept dry due to prevent virus…like for the feet.
A few teaspoons of vinegar in water is good for female areas, in a sitz bath, to restore natural pH.
For headaches, drink water, and get some rest. A heating pad on the neck also helps.
Do things in moderation…do not drink or eat to excess. Avoid soda, alcohol and pills.
Keep your space clean, orderly and things will not get lost or damaged.
Spend time learning a new skill such as sewing, cooking, gardening or painting instead of watching TV.
Kids are not allowed to have sleepovers or spend the night with anyone except family…kids are not allowed to watch TV or use computers unless parents are with them.
Take a bath every night, keep fingernails short and clean.
Have family night…play charades or capture the flag, flashlight tag or flag football.
For depression, go outside and meet a new person. Volunteer somewhere to help others.
Get outdoor exercise daily, go for a walk or jog.
Go to the library, Read books that are uplifting.
Write thank you notes for gifts and favors given.
When doing laundry, separate clothes into white, dark and colors. Washing blue jeans with white t shirts, will result in all clothes being fifty shades of grey. Hand-wash delicate fabrics. Use cold water for blood stains.
Do the dishes before you go to bed. Wipe all counters with cleaner daily.
Open windows and let in fresh air.
Listen to your parents.
Go to church, ask for forgiveness of sins.
Start each day with prayer, and end each day with prayer.