My first movie script
If I were to write a script for a program that would be a fun simulation that could later be sold as a movie, I would write it and have the first scene start with a girl who is reading the news paper and reading about how the supreme court refused to try any cases regarding a recently held election fraud…and who then also reads about how the man, who was supposedly currently in power, was in the white house, surrounded by an impenetrable barricade.
As the girl prays (because the girl in my story prays) in her thinking, she is enlightened when she turns on the radio to distract herself, because she hears the song Two princes. Instead of hearing princes she hears PRINTS…and she thinks of two sets of prints, (either fingerprints or printed words, you the reader get to choose) one that offers power, and one that offers money..but both are “spin doctors”, because what is fiction or spin, has no future or family tree, even though one apparently has a great seal.
The spin doctors song, she believes, is an analogy of how something which can actually be only a suggestion, can appear to have temporary power or temporary money, if it is believed.
Kind of like how an escape room or a simulation like in star trek, can seem really believable. But it is not real.
In my script, the girl, like the girl in divergent, starts recognizing evidence of simulations, only they are on a global scale…everything from diversity implementation to music (like Tiny Dancer, where the “dancer” is the curser on the screen, and the “sand” is the computer chip…and it feels “so real” when one has “spread sheets”..and the band is bandwidth, and the “tiny dancer or curser” is the SEEMstress. And in tiny dancer btw, she wonders what it is about a pirates smile, and if the whole song is an analogy of a computer run world, in the hands of one human…and she wonders how much can a computer simulation “steal” when everyone is paying attention to a simulated environment instead of what is really happening?
In my script, the girl recognizes that a simulation is only effective if it convinces everyone who sees it, that it is real. She starts verbalizing or saying that what is being said by “those in charge” does not make sense, and that those people or words “are not real” and every-time she does this her words get censored. This is how she confirms her suspicions that a simulation is being run by a computer.
She knows that, in the simulation of the real world that everyone believes IS real that is the program being run, the supreme court can’t hear cases about a crime of election fraud, because the whole election is only a simulation. It would be a fraud of a fraud… It truly is a Kangaroo court. A simulated victory, with a simulated president, carefully guarded and supported by computer simulations in the news and in broadcast, and even in music and social media, completes the simulation, in my script, while The REAL president is not only NOT a “lame duck” he is duck duck go.
The real president is NOT in the simulation room and he has his own money, and his power comes from God and is leading the hearts and minds of everyone who trusts God.
The girl in my script also recognizes that as long as she pays attention to the “simulations” being marketed by any and all sources (sources that are attempting to greatly “reset” society from what is real to what is a simulation, and opposed to God), she will in fact be participating in the simulation. The only way to end the simulation is to leave the room…stop looking at it. Kind of like how when a person is dreaming a bad dream, they have to wake up. Alice in Wonderland kept paying attention to her “dream” in wonderland only none of it was real.
When the girl in my script learns of a six year old, who was reading this story of Alice with her mom, she is interested in what the six year old thinks. The child commented on it saying to her mom, that she wished Alice would just wake up and stop traveling all around wonderland when she had her sister and the wonderful garden to explore that was REAL. The child thought it was a waste of time for Alice..and the main character in my script agrees with this six year old’s analysis.
To enter the kingdom of heaven, or “paradise” the girl in my script realizes everyone must be just like children with innocent trust of God…and she thinks the concept of paying attention to family, our parents and siblings and those who are close, is important because that is who neighbors are, who is real in our daily lives.
She ponders how Disney used to be for children. But if children are who we should emulate, she thinks, then why would the main character of Frozen be someone who causes everything that is frozen to thaw…a computer program that is frozen, would SAVE people. So, in my movie, if there is something bad, it is caused by a simulation, which cannot progress if the program “freezes” then to keep it frozen would be good…and that is what my character does. She is like the glitch that never gets fixed in wreck it Ralph, even though the movie industry considers being frozen to be a major ‘glitch” and fixes it with a “happy ending”. Is global warming a hypocritical simulation, because those who are running programs ACTUALLY never want them to freeze, she wonders.
So the girl in my movie script, even though she seems to know soooo much when she is in the simulation, stops looking at it and stops listening to it and stops believing it. That behavior, is her prayer, some daily good to do..and as she walks off the set in my script, grass is growing under her feet but the computer is frozen… and the grass is not Pot, and it is not calling the Kettle (power cord) black. Her pot not a drug, it is a cast iron skillet, a classic, and she sings as she walks into the light of Truth, out of the dark house full of computers which are humming a hypnotic song that she can no longer hear because when she is outside she hears crickets, and that is what overpowers the computers.
In my movie, the girl writes a this story about what she knows is true, and is not afraid of the simulation, because, unlike the girl in divergent, she is not afraid of what the sim can do. My girl thinks the sim is really funny once she figures it out, and when Saturday Night Live is the first one who wants to purchase her story she is disappointed to have to refuse to sell anything to them because nobody watches or even listens to that “program” any more.