No thank you
I recently returned from visiting my son in Knoxville, and he does not watch much TV, so for ten days I was spared the propaganda from a multitude of “pharma” commercials. (did you know direct to consumer ads for prescription drugs are prohibited in Canada) I remember not too many years ago, one of my friends said that even her four year old son had responded to such marketing, and had requested “lunesta” because he thought that it was a “butterfly”.
So many of these drug marketing commercials, use either fear, or use happy, normal looking individuals to sell their product. But the reality of it is that people who are dependent on drugs typically, are neither happy nor healthy.
What marketing shows us to be “the norm” is far flung from the reality of people I know personally, who have been dependent on big pharma for years, and even decades. One lady I know, traveled extensively, to different towns, pretending to be a new patient, in order to get drugs that created a dependency in her.
These people are nothing like the “norm” that is presented on TV commercials. Why would the producers of drugs, have drugs that create dependence or addictions, if they wanted people to actually get well? Is it perhaps because if people got well, they would never have use for the drugs, would they? Health would make drugs extinct.
In the same way, I believe that the one, lone, pathetic, white women who my sister told me was wearing a T shirt saying “I have had 27 abortions” is also nothing like the “norm” of all women and their thoughts about “abortion”, and yet this hypocrisy is being “marketed” to us through social media.
But we are intelligent and we know, that like big pharma, abortion is a money making business. And just like big pharma cannot survive if people are “Healthy” and “Well”, abortion cannot survive within the realm of married life and families.
It is a fact, (in spite of the demonstrations of an isolated, few, white women acting like their rights are being violated), that the HUGE majority of abortions are performed in the most poverty stricken areas and are performed on black and Hispanic women. They are persuaded to not hold men accountable, and to be self serving. Abortions are marketed to women in communities, even by pastors, who have been paid by planned parenthood.
This does NOTHING to improve their “family” lives as opposed to the marketing spouted by “planned parenthood”, the facilitators of abortion, or death. This organization has become huge, on the backs of aborted minority babies, and, at the expense of families. They PLANNED for blacks and other minorities to NOT have families, because according to Sanger, they are “inferior”.
To act like it is a “privilege” being “taken away” from white women, is a travesty and total hypocrisy, because the same people who claim “black lives matter” are doing everything they can to exterminate blacks, along with Margaret Sanger, the founder of “planned” parenthood. She planned it all right. How is murder a “privilege”?
As far as some fool saying that she has had twenty seven abortions, I believe that statement is being marketed on social media for its shock value, because it is completely irrelevant in the big scheme of things. I am not shocked that social media will lie, lie, lie, to get a click.
But, in contrast, I believe, as do most women, that intelligent ladies do not use abortions as birth control and are aware that refraining from sex outside of a committed marriage relationship ensures that, should a pregnancy happen both people are open to having and caring for children. Abortion can be easily avoided and those who facilitate abortion, have an agenda and are making money on it.
Being responsible for the consequences of our actions is what adults do, and what we know as good adult behavior, serves not only to protect the family, it is rational, because loving people do not want to murder anyone, especially not babies, and they want to listen to God’s laws.
In the US, our society was founded on God’s laws, and here, people are not put to death until they have at least had a fair trial by a jury of their peers in a court of law. Each baby about to be murdered, is entitled to the same, a jury, in a court of law, with peers, because otherwise it is not fair to convict a baby to death.
We are told to love our neighbors as ourselves. We would not want to refuse our neighbors existence, because we would not want anyone to refuse our own existence. Loving our neighbor first starts with loving ourselves, and loving the life we are blessed to have been given.
Growing up, I was taught to avoid drugs, and avoid sex outside of marriage. To me at the time, they seemed like oppressive rules of society, but the truth is, they were taught to me by loving parents, NOT to oppress me, but to help me avoid the pain of pregnancy without the benefit of husband or a family, as well as to avoid the loss of health because of bad choices related to drugs.
To facilitate that goal of a happy human being, my parents made sure I learned about God, went to church, refrained from dating until I was old enough to make adult decisions, and abstained from drugs. I clearly remember my parents telling me to drink water if I had a headache and to lie down and rest if I did not feel well.
I was rarely given any sort of drug for any illness. To this day I am so grateful my mother and father did not rely on pharma, because now we know how many bad side effects and long term negative effects, have hurt so many people, who were looking for the quick fix, from big pharma.
We had five girls in my family of origin and because of my wonderful parents, I have learned that REAL liberated women, are actually women who have the discipline and self worth to say no to promiscuity, even when they see other women marketing how having an abortion is liberating. The truth is, that having a family, and avoiding casual sex is much more liberating and rewarding. One does not choose to have a good life and then choose abortion as these are the opposite of each other.
According to Merriam Webster The meaning of OXYMORON is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness).
Healthy drug is an oxymoron. Casual sex is an oxymoron. And most of all Planned Parenthood abortion is an oxymoron.
The rules of society are not in place to restrict our joy or happiness but rather to ensure it. Two wrongs do not make something right. When we trust in God, we can avoid the problems that come with humanly believing that two wrongs, can somehow make something right just like the two wrongs of casual sex, as well as the mistakes of resulting pregnancies, can never make abortion right.
People are not the problem, and the belief that people are the problem IS the problem. Thank you God for protecting life, and for instructing us to CHOOSE life. If we would do unto others what we do unto ourselves, then choosing death for the least of these, is indeed choosing death, for ourselves.
Randomly chosen bible verses for today are as follows…
Jesus answered them, “Isaiah prophesied correctly about you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 7 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’ 8You have disregarded the commandment of God to keep the tradition of men.”
Biden is a catholic or so he says. To say one is catholic is to say No to abortion. Abortion is condemned by the catholic church. At the very least Biden is a hypocrite. But at the worst, he is trying to destroy this countries submission to God’s laws, the laws on which we were founded.
When it comes to abortion, in opposition to God’s law, we say NO thank you.
When it comes to drugs, in opposition to health, we say NO thank you.
Our hearts and our spirits desire to honor God and HIS commandments, and we do, and we have, and we will.