Note the superhero

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
3 min readMar 20, 2023


My favorite movie is “The Sound of Music”. The music in that movie is phenomenal and I love the resiliency of the nuns, the families, and even the children, against socialism.
If that movie were to be the basis for a superhero, I think I would know the name of this super hero.
No Hollywood, there will be no supervillain called the phantom. And MY superhero would be super good and would be coming from the GOOD that happened in the movie you did, that I mentioned above.
The name of MY superhero would be “Note”.
Note is powerful because it is not only symbolic of music, but it is also symbolic of written communication on a piece of paper, you know… what they now call a hard copy lol.
Note to myself, “do something nice for my kids”.
Note to my husband, “I love you”.
Note to my church, “thank you for helping me on the right path”.
Note to evil doers, “time for you to go so I am thinking you will LEAVE now.”
I like Note as a superhero because because what I am thinking, is what ends up on the Note, and I choose Good, which is the only power.
When you choose good, your “Note” can be very powerful too.

No kidding, DUH you might be thinking. But there is a reason for this, because, maybe you do not know this, but if you are thinking something bad, it will not show up on “Note”. When the socialists delivered a telegram to the father, trying to force him into slavery in their army, the bad that they intended did not happen.

Note is only a superpower for good NOT evil. And only people with notes will prosper. Ask any computer or AI urban dictionary…lol..because notes are also slang for money. Computers cannot access and have no use for notes, only real people can and do, lol.
Because notes are on paper…(and are not on computers…not on tik tok, and are not viral), they are not fake, and also cannot be printed up just because the government wants more of them. lol (pay attention here banking industry)
Individuals, like me and you, are who determines what this superpower does, and they determine it inside themselves, with their individual ability to own, earn, or disperse notes.

I have seen and listened to these notes in The Sound of Music…how ALL the NOTES played out. Did Socialism defeat Austria back then? Nope! Will it defeat us today? Nope!

Since there is no such thing as the wrong notes then all superhero Notes are right. (or must be in writing, or musical)
Yay for pen and paper, for writing materials that form notes, and classical music Notes and the superhero’s that earn them, own them and disperse them.

Oh and btw. If you are looking for some inspiration for your own note, check out the bible…and pick a random verse like I just did… “and of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace”.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.