Our father…who art in heaven
In California I was on a long hike/walk and saw a baby deer who was injured by the side of the road. I was concerned about it and called the animal wildlife conservation phone number and was told to not do anything, they would go check it out and see if there was anything they could do to help it.
On my return loop, the deer was still there, still alive and I prayed for it a second time. When I got back to the house, my two daughters, and their three girls, as well as three dads, went back out onto the road so we could all make sure the deer had been helped. When we arrived, it was no longer alive but was laid out on it’s side, much to all our dismay.
After much discussion, we all turned around to go back home, in a somber frame of mind. I turned to get one last look at the baby deer and what I saw reminded me of what it is about small children that makes them examples for people who want to enter the kingdom of heaven…they were praying.
Even though we had hoped the deer would be helped by conservationists, the deer was still by the side of the road, and the children naturally knew what to do. God is the one who creates and sustains life and Jesus says “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me”.
If these children also knew about all the human babies who have been laid out for sale as fetal body parts, before they had a chance to be born, they would also be praying for them; not making laws to protect those who harm babies. That is because little children naturally wish to protect life…not disregard it.
When I asked Eevie what she was praying for, she said that she was asking God to make sure the little deer was still running and having an good time, wherever it had gone.
Human babies, as individuals protected by our constitution, deserve to run and have a good time do they not? We should not wait for someone else to act in their behalf, because like the analogy of the absent California conservationist, the protection of these innocent humans has also not been fast enough to save millions of them.
All the babies (fetal parts) being used to make or test covid vaccines should impel us to be like little children right now, and pray for all the babies unjustly taken before they had a chance to live. Not only are they human lives, but it is the sheer volume of human babies used in this ongoing “science”, happening unfettered, that should cause us to take action, the same immediate way children do.
Sometimes there is the law, and then there is what is right. While we are praying, we should also pray to support good laws, because laws that do not protect life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, need immediate reform.
Prayer works, and Jesus said gather the little children unto me. He did NOT say gather their little bodies into test vaccines and inject them into our nation of Christians.
Pray NOW for the protection of human life, for justice, and for freedom of individuals from government overreach and those who profit from the death of unborn little humans.
Thank you God for I know you hear me always.