Proverbs 4 randomly chosen for today

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
8 min readAug 4, 2024


whose got the “booty”?

Once upon a time there was a very popular book. The book was read by millions of people. The author of the book was born and had lived outside the USA but the stories in the book were about things happening inside the USA.
One of the important things that the book accomplished, was to create an emotional attachment with readers, to the main character who APPEARED to deliver unequivocable justice in places where it always seemed that poor people were downtrodden, and the rich were the assholes. This individual was portrayed as “someone” who himself owned nothing, but somehow was always “funded” and could see “the little guy” who needed help. His system it seemed, “worked” when it seemed like the law was not working.
Appearances in story telling are everything aren’t they Lee Child. And the book is an analogy of the real world…and is actually inaccurate in its assumptions. Because a computer is not a person or a who.

SO, even though the main character was helping the people who directly came into contact with him, he was not “fixing” what was wrong with society as a whole, because he could not GENERATE RESOURCES and was not creating a product that could be offered at a fair price, for all to enjoy in a free market economy. He could only find ways to “redirect” resources that already existed.

In one instance, he (a computer) provided information that was made available to cause one gang to think another gang had stepped on their territory. That information, which was not the truth, caused the two gangs to go to war, and they all killed each other.

Whoever “controls” the dissemination of information, according to the author of this VERY popular series of books, controls events too.

In the book, the main character, takes information that he has, to identify different “gang” members. Then he posted “fake” information using LABELS…(in one case in the book, he attacks a gang member and then, with a label maker and some super glue and puts the label on the gang members forehead). The main character “waits” (a computer cannot actually take action or initiate ) to see the retaliation happen from the opposing gang when the gang member ends up in the hospital with the false information on his head. The gangs blame each other, each thinking the other side was who did the damage which was not true. Whoever programmed (the main character) “the computer” to portray false information was who did the damage.

The main character did the “labeling”. But the “label” was always a lie. And it was done to start a war. SUPPOSEDLY to help the FREE MARKET economy of a new restaurant that was just opening up, survive. Dictatorships (by the one who programs the computer) NEVER help a free market economy survive, according to all the societies that have existed in the world so far historically.

SO what the book gets wrong, which is very misleading, is that the “Tax” that restaurant owners “pay” in new York, is collected by gangs that own the street…when in fact the BIGGEST GANG in this country collecting absurd payments using violence is called government, with its oppressive taxation.

IF a person were to take the story RUNNING BLIND and recognize that the main character is a computer, and its vision is a hidden camera, then they would realize that the author apparently wants to highlight how the computer is assuming the job of allocating who should have what resources and who should be exempt from taxation. We can see how haphazard and unbalanced “justice” is and since the computer is not human, whoever controls or programs the computer, is essentially a dictator.

Using the book as an analogy for real life, it is easy to see how those who program today’s computer have used their protocols to pin a false label on President Trump. And the intent is to use that false label to hurt him, even send him to the hospital, and perhaps to start a war. which they hope, would lead to a dictatorship where the USA would be divided up and parceled out to all the less economically fortunate countries of the world who have squandered their resources and plundered their citizens for personal gain.

The book even makes fun of attorneys and military and the FBI in the USA. Because the attorney who loves the main character (computer) wants to go to Europe and leave the USA so she is portrayed to care more about personal status and being self than serving the citizens at home. A sad commentary on attorneys.

The FBI is made fun of because in the book they puts someone beautiful to watch the main character (computer) (portraying her as dumb) because in the story, she is easily deceived into thinking she sees everything the main character ( a computer) is doing. But the main character sneaks out right under her nose and she never sees when he is doing that.

And the military is made fun of because in the story, it willingly breaks rules and gives resources and power to the main character (computer), because it “owes” him favors, not realizing that the intent by the programmers of the computer will use it to install a dictatorship. The author is laughing because by doing a favor to the main character, the military is contributing to their own demise AND are helping install the main character’s directives which are controlled by a dictator.

This is because, in the book, the use of the main character SEEMS to help (temporarily), relieve gang oppression, but in the big picture, it is HELPING the biggest gang, of big government. The book is falsely showboating one success, portraying the effectiveness of the main character (a computer) in once instance, when the truth is, it has NOT succeeded in the real world because it is a dictatorship, run by whoever programs it. A communist agenda…where everyone has the exact same, and everyone is poor…except of course the dictator.

Dictators have failed in every country where dictatorships have been installed. And the author is a supporter of those who want to install big government and ultimately one global government. The liberals do NOT want regular citizens to have any power, they want every other country to be able to benefit from the work that citizens here have done instead, using one “global” government…which is a dictatorship.

The economic growth history of the world and the successful elimination of poverty has never been achieved in a dictatorship and instead, has been implemented with great success by a FREE MARKET ECONOMY, looking at historical GNP or gross national product. This TRUE information, was just given at a factual talk at the world economic forum in Davos, WHICH IS ABOUT analyzing THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF THE WORLD, and the talk was given by a world leader of Argentina, (a country which has suffered tremendous poverty at the hands of a dictator), The author of this series of books I have been listening to, apparently cannot “see the forest for the trees.”

And by the way, regarding not being able to see the forest for the trees.. (an analogy which means that a person cannot see the big picture because they are focusing on the little picture); I have never been able to understand how the liberals in big cities like LA and NEW YORK and CHICAGO and PHILADELPHIA and DENVER, could not see how their “ideas” of increasing taxes, to eliminate poverty (on a local level, ie. The small picture) for the poor, DOES NOT work (when we have global examples of its failure). THEY CANNOT SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREES. And then I DROVE THROUGH CALIFORNIA FROM ARIZONA. Now I get it.

What is actually happening is that the reason the liberals cannot see the forest for the trees is because THEY DO NOT HAVE hardly any FOREST. They live in basically a desert, no trees, with the only water they have, specifically in California, coming from the hoover dam from other states. (in other words they do not produce anything they only take from others) I realized this when I saw many signs saying “NEWSOME to stop wasting our DAMN water”.
(kind of funny and clever play on words *dam sign). Those supporting liberals like Newsome have a SCARCITY mindset because they are supported by the government or taxes which they did not produce.

When a person can only allocate existing resources and is not trying to GENERATE A NEW and USEFUL PRODUCT TO SELL AT A FAIR PRICE, then it is like California looking at and coveting the FEW TREES that exist as being the answer to all the economic woes of the state (trees which only exist because of the generosity of other states to California). The governor wants to “allocate” resources. GOD has already allocated resources, to his people in the form of gifts and talents, and he wants his people to USE their talents, and does NOT authorize the government to take them away.

Hey Newsome, “resources” are human, and belong to the humans, your PEOPLE, when they use their talents, and they do not produce or provide relief, because of Trees or as a result of your production limiting Taxes…. Taking all the branches and cutting them off, and dividing them among the people in the desert who number in the millions, is a brilliant solution????.

Naturally the tree will stop producing and will either die or will be dug up and moved to another state to grow in a forest will it will not be targeted.

And WHY are you bringing in MORE non citizens, who do not provide any trees of their own to share, and chop up the trunk of your few lone trees and disperse it to them with no consideration for the citizens who cultivated the trees? ARE YOU CRAZY??? Or is it you think in the end they will pick you to be the dictator?

California can ONLY see the few trees, because now THERE IS NO FOREST. They have caused all the trees they used to have, to die or be chopped up. California is starting to look like Argentina…a once profitable country, with a free market economy, that got raided and plundered and devastated by a dictatorship form of government. DICTATORSHIPS and HIGH TAXES and SCARCITY OR VICTIM mindset DO NOT WORK GAVIN, CLINTON, OBAMA, KAMALA.

AND so to the author of the book, your political views, which support big government and one global dictatorship and government allocation of resources are not hid. Your main character is an analogy of a computer, controlled by ONE entity…essentially a dictatorship, quite clever but very self serving don’t you think?. Please listen to the lecture By the president of Argentina Javier Milei. I know you will change your analogy when you figure it out like so many conservatives already have. Like Argentina has.

Do the country you live in a small favor and recognize that your MAIN CHARACTER analogy as well as your personal profits exist BECAUSE of a free market economy, not in spite of it.

Randomly chosen bible verse for today Proverbs 4



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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