red riding hood
June 23 2024
“It was a good day” said Mister. He was jumping onto the stool that gave him enough height on his three foot frame to jump into the great big king bed that he slept in. Like a little prince. His dark brown eyes sparkled with glee as he sat indian style on the colorful orange navy and yellow sheets, pulling a wooden locking puzzle on his lap.
“I know the code” he said, triumphantly opening the lock with a dial combination. There was also a key lock, and a latch lock. He loved to figure out problems. When he would drive with Filly, he could tell which way was north and how to get back to his home, even without knowing the names of the completely unfamiliar streets.
Mister also loved looking at maps in general as a past time, and was good at finding countries. He could take Filly’s phone on the maps setting and navigate to her home completely on his own.
When Tater had her birthday party, Mister had given people pieces of loose leaf paper and asked them to write their street address on it. Then he gave each person someone else's address. He wanted people to be able to locate each other on a map and knew that the address was important.
Filly was amazed at how smart Mister was for being so little. He even could sit and listen to college level you tube videos on space, planets and white holes.
He had been listening to Tater who was saying she was “curious” about something “evil”. Filly had told her that making some one “curious” about something bad, was a trick of “evil” to get people to forget to stay away.
Filly said that people normally did not want to be in a dark hole or in a cave or in a prison, and that was where Evil always lived. The Evil that put Jesus in a prison of a cave, could not hold him there though.
People who wanted to follow God, were wanting to be in the light, in an awareness of good, with a determined ignorance of evil or any of the tricks of evil. Remembering evil did not bring about happiness. And the bible was about being glad.
So what was concerning to Filly was the gist of the bible verse of the day, previously, was about how Peter denied Jesus. Peter was one of Jesus followers, One of the main followers and he lied. The leader of the pack pretty much lying when it was vitally important. If the pure information coming to Filly was accurate, it meant that someone who was at the top of the totem pole, like Peter, who was regarded as being a trustworthy representative of God, was actually a hypocrite, and in secret, was doing evil.
Kind of like how someone in a court of law, might testify about someone, assuming that he was telling the truth, when in fact he was a liar. The good news was that these days, unlike the biblical times, everyone knew that the man was a liar so his testimony was able to be seen for what it was, a political manipulation.
Then the newest bible verse said …
“I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit, and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether (hell) parts of the earth.”
Those who collaborated with evil, were going to be in the “nether” parts of the earth. YIKES. God saw everything. Sees everything.
Filly wanted to “roll with it” and as she thought about “lets roll” regarding the patriots from 9/11m she thought about how the word Role, sounded like Roll but was spelled differently. Lets “role” could mean she decided, “lets be good role models”. Something which Jesus was fantastic at. Something Filly’s parents were great at as well. Something she as an individual could do, opposite of those “speaking evil” she could “do good”.
That was why she tried to explain to Tater about how to avoid evil. Those who surrounded themselves with evil would have a difficult time seeing the light. Evil wanted to get a foothold on good people, and curiosity about things that were bad, was a trick of evil.
Filly explained it using wolves because Tater liked Wolves. It was the theme of her birthday party. And the bible verse three days ago was about how those who were doing evil had princes”within her as roaring lions, and her judges as evening wolves, who gnaw not the bones till the morrow”.
Filly explained that the wolves were there to help God and to attack evil but they did not attack in the light of day, they attacked in the gloomy night and they attacked all those people who foolishly gave their attention to curiosity about evil, instead of doing works of good. The wolves posed the greatest threat to the “sheep” or the “flock” of God when they “pretended” to be sheep, and wore the sheep’s skin, because they tricked people into thinking they were good. The same way someone who lies about something, is trying to trick them, or in court, someone who lies is trying to manipulate the jury.
But the bible proves that “When fierce persecutors of good are converted to good, then the lamb can lie down with the wolf.” Those who attacked the good doers, needed to be made aware of their wrong attacks and they needed to see the light. Filly thought that people should know that there were people pretending to be followers who were actually wolves in sheep’s clothing, like how Little red riding hood was deceived by the wolf who pretended to be a sickly grandma.
The bible however, was saying that the “wolves” were going to attack the “attackers”, and that they were on God’s side. They would attack in the dark of night. They were not, in God’s world, the enemy of little red riding hood, they were her army.
Filly had a red hood…She felt she was pretty dang obvious as God’s soldier. Not a shrinking violet. She even had a bunch of red states as well. They wanted to listen to God. That is what she thought. She then thought about her walking acquaintance and how he said that his brother was in competition with him. She felt it was kind of like how the disciples were kind of in a friendly competition to be the best follower of Jesus. Most of them would not lie in front of a jury about the truth, and the one who did lie, would be thrown out.
Filly did not think that meant that the man in friendly competition, was “against” his brother. If the “brothers” were symbolic of the “academy” they were not antagonists but were agonists. An agonist, is one who is engaged in a struggle.
Like a competition. Filly thought that the struggle was not with the principles of the academy but within the minds of those who were tempted to deny the truth. Like Peter. They knew the truth, and they had to be willing to admit it, even if it put them in front of criticism. If they saw the wolf in sheep’s clothing, they needed to speak or they would be failing at Fidelity, bravery and integrity, because the wolf might just be there to see if they would tell the truth when it was difficult.
If they failed, they would be failing Little red riding hood also. There were people who were stealing data from large corporations and then requiring ransom money to release the data. These were wolves perhaps. If what the big corporations were doing was evil, then the wolves demanding ransom was God ordained. If they were doing good, then God would have the wolves attack those demanding ransom. Filly had no way of knowing but God knew.
But Mister and Tater and Filly were not to be deterred from sleep…in spite of the evening wolves because they were not attacking Filly or Tater or Mister. As filly turned off the light and slipped down the stairs, she knew that all was well…because the wolves were part of God’s plan for justice and good. Little Red Riding hood like Tater, appreciated wolves and the “role” they played.