She’s in God’s House
Is she a “straw” house?
The stuff for animals
Just letting it all hang out?
Is she a “stick” house?
Nothing on the ranch
But a brittle branch
Lit up like a match?
OR she’s in God’s house
Built by Lord and Father, everybody knows
Good is how the story goes
Faith and grace is, everything
she needs to take a stand
She do glow with the stuff she know,
99, angels on line, enough to beat the band!
Is she a “straw” house?
The stuff for animals
Just letting it all hang out?
Is she a “stick” house?
Nothing on the ranch
But a brittle branch
Lit up like a match?
OR she’s in God’s House
Built by Lord and Father, everybody knows
Good is how the story goes
Her thoughts are pure, her children are clean
She walks the walk, no in-between
To God she prays, Thank you and please,
Enough to bring Evil to its knees
Is she a “straw” house?
The stuff for animals
Just letting it all hang out?
Is she a “stick” house
Nothing on the ranch
But a brittle branch
Lit up like a match?
OR she’s in God’s House
Built by Lord and Father, everybody knows
Good is how the story goes
Faith and grace is, everything
she needs to take a stand
She do glow, with the stuff she know
99, angels on line, enough to beat the band?
Pray it up pray it up pray it up up.
Pray it up pray it up pray it up up.