Thank you God
August 6 2021
Thank you God for open, recovered unrestricted airways for me, my family, barb and my mom and eevie and all those I love. Thank you that I am blessed and that I have a clear mind and that as Christians, we can have continuous supper with the ideas and understandings of Jesus. Thank you for order in the courts and especially the supreme court, and that it supports our spiritual, mental and physical constitution and cannot be undermined. Thank you for light, for luxurious healthy locks on our heads protecting our thinking and keeping it good, and thank you for how good God is, good that is more bountiful than anyone can imagine, and for health and vigor, which is the only thing contagious.
Thank you for what we all can see spiritually and for the presence of grace which is more than just a blessing before our supper. Thank you for the beauty and perfection of life. Thank you for insurance riders that provide protection from mistakes. Thank you for weather meeting demands or permitting growth, and that no matter what seems to be, the weather is always perfect. Thank you for adding to and multiplying our storehouses so we have what we need including bread and including wisdom teeth so we can continue to eat.
Thank you for all that is here, because what is here, we are grateful for always. Thank you for quick and joyful delivery, for perfect pitch and harmonious notes.Thank you for words that grow in good and “become flesh”, for babies and innocence and their purity. Thank you for the fullness of the world, the richness and satisfaction of supply, and the continuity of youth, freshness and vitality. Thank you for smooth sailing, for crooked places that have been made straight and even, for the opening and release of a fountain of milk and honey. Thank you for justice, for good plans, for fathers and mothers who are happy and children who are obedient, loving and respectful but also joyful. Thank you for putting importance on words and not numbers, on health and not sickness, on healing and restoration. Thank you for the good book, the bible, and it’s endurance, for diverse cultures and languages including but not limited to ancient languages such as Greek and Latin. Thank you for good neighbors, friends and community. Thank you for birth of new ideas, for faces, and the right space to maintain the people they represent. Thank you for moving us upward with increasing momentum, and for cooperation between families and friends and marriage partners and business partners. Thank you for strength of purpose, for calm pathways, and for beautiful pastures.
Thank you father for I know you hear me always.