Melissa Ann Howell Schier
4 min readNov 29, 2024

The light filtered into the big downstairs family room from the lake outside. The flock of birds on the water floated noiselessly in a group, moving in perfect sync, first to the left and then to the right, dipping their wide bills under the water and back out again, perhaps searching for food. The sun had not come up yet and the water and sky were a lovely blend of grey and silver and white.

Filly thought about the difference between darkness and light, the difference between happy and sad, good and bad, right and wrong. For those who thought that Truth was relative…. she had nature as her ally.

It was never so clear that Truth was not relative but was absolute. But Nothing was clear when it was dark, which made explaining things to those in the dark a conundrum, yet everything was visible when it was light. A happy child was the opposite of a sad child and good was clearly not the same as bad. A person did not have to re-invent the wheel to see this.

Filly thought about the man who wanted to talk about Death Dinners and the coffee shop that advertised a “death cafe”. She thought about the mom she read about who gave her baby to a meth dealer for trade for the drugs she needed and the baby was still missing three years later. She thought about addiction and how profitable it was for those selling but how destructive it was for those receiving; for families and family members.

Those who wanted to think about death, Filly thought, perhaps should consider the seven deadly sins. Both had everything to do with Death. If people wanted to get comfortable with death, perhaps they should get comfortable knowing which things that Christians knew would eventually lead led to death….thereby calling them the seven deadly sins.

According to the standard list, the seven deadly sins in Christianity were pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

Addiction, Filly thought, was about greed, gluttony and sloth. Many were various forms of addiction. Addicted to food was gluttony. Addicted to laziness was sloth. Addicted to Sex was lust. Addicted to anger was wrath. Addicted to praise was pride. Addiction wanted for itself, what it wanted, without regard to anyone or anything else. Thus, the mom, compelled to satisfy herself, traded away her innocent and dependent baby. Addiction it seemed, was deadly not just to the mother but could be to anyone she was responsible for.

Addiction was not a good plan. But addiction could be attacked starting with one arena. Filly thought about RFK and how he was trying to help people eat better food choices. She thought about how she still was drinking diet coke, and how she had stayed up the night before with her stomach hurting. The addictive substance seems appealing before partaking, but had a really bad bite after partaking.

Filly decided that taking a stance against other people’s addictions, was eye opening, but to take a stand against one’s own addictions was a better approach and helped inspire others. Start small, start with one self.

The bible says to stop looking at the speck in other peoples eyes, but first deal with the plank in one’s own eye. So because of the baby, who was traded because of an addiction, Filly decided to never again drink Coke, diet coke or any coke products because she was convinced that these substances caused an unhealthy addiction.

Filly remembered visiting her aunt, right before she died, and her aunt was sitting in a chair with a lamp table filled with bottles of diet coke, and bottles of pharmaceuticals. Her aunt did not exercise or eat food, but drank coke with pills…lost all her hair, and lost her ability to function… clean her house, take care of her dog, drive her car. This was because of addiction. But addiction was not who people were, addiction was a choice. And Filly was saying no.

Filly thought that gender dysphoria, like addictions, was one of the seven deadly sins as well. Those who claimed it (gender dysphoria) had gained power…and the need for power (over the words people used or the behavior of others), power that was not earned, came from greed.

The children in the world, naturally played in the realm of obedience to goodness, naturally. The people who thought that it was important to get comfortable with death, had fear, perhaps because they were comfortable also with the seven deadly sins, therefore death was inevitable?

Kennedy was trying to improve the food supply and free it from dangerous chemicals. But Filly could see in her own life with friends and family, that alcohol (which filters out drugs and chemicals) is one of the leading “poisons” in the system. People who cared about their health would be smart to limit that “poison” and other poisons like too many hallucinogens or drugs or caffeine in the form of soda or coffee. These things not only stressed the filter of the liver they were dehydrating for skin and organs. With one small step at a time, the truth of good health and good choices could be revealed. No person was being controlled by a mass media which was convinced that people should be comfortable with death.

Filly thought that people should be comfortable with Life. She saw little Ellie running around the big room, kissing her hand and then tapping the kissed hand on every person, individually, in the room. She tapped them on their leg or their back or their arm and most people did not even notice. How much “love” and “life” was being missed by people to busy to see the evidence?

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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