The MANY who DID NOT walk away

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
5 min readJun 9, 2023


I believe myself to be a christian, and this morning, when I was going to go do my workout, at five forty am, and first picked my randomly chosen bible verse, it said something about exercising godliness, instead of exercising the body, because godliness profits everyone while exercise only profits the body for the short term.
I am going to exercise later, but I realized that I need to be able to practice godliness, which is to be willing to speak truth in spite of enslavement and in spite of persecution. That is what Jesus did, and he is our example. The power Jesus held, because of his godliness, threatened the Romans, who were the people in power. But Jesus proved that good is the only real power.
The people back then, were enslaved by the Romans, who wanted to keep taxing the people more, and who tried to inflict their own self benefiting version of justice on an innocent population.
Rome fell.
But what is interesting to me, is that Christians today, have learned from this mistake of those in power, who were not listening to the will of the people, which was to follow the will of God. Christians today are not walking away or being afraid.
The story of Omelas, is the mythical story of a fictitious “utopian” society, and how all supposedly will benefit, if one person is kept in “prison” and is constantly persecuted. Everyone knows of this persecution but no one speaks of it, tries to stop it, or hides what they are doing. People look upon it, and then walk away. It is happening in plain sight.

Can you think of one person in our day, who is constantly being persecuted, attacked and kept in a “virtual prison” by the people in power, in order to benefit themselves and deny the will of the people and the will of God?
I can.
His name is Trump.

Can you think of many other people, not just one, who those in power are destroying at an alarming rate “so society can prosper”? I can… unborn babies.
In Omelas, the person kept in prison is described as disgusting, useless, and practically a “retard” not worthy of having any rights as a person. Yep, the descriptions match what I am hearing about Trump and about babies.

The funny thing is, Jesus says ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Have you noticed that there are people virtue signaling that they are helping “the least of these” who they say are the “poor” (chickens, dogs, cats, baby seals, people who are invading other countries without permission etc. ) who are taking from God’s people that which does not belong to them in order to “help”. These chickens, dogs, cats, baby seals and even those living in poverty are NOT the least of these…in case you were wondering. And stealing is not what Jesus did to help “the least of these”. The least of these are the ones who Governments are trying to destroy.

The bible DOES say, “thou shalt not steal”. Does not matter if Thou is the Government or if thou is someone who wields a lot of power, still, thou shalt not steal. Collecting Taxes is stealing. And I am not sorry to say it, it is Truth. Taxes should be voluntary, like a church donation. Churches get good things done much better than government. If “in God we trust” it is time we start trusting God is it not? I TRUST YOU GOD. Thank you God, for immediately reversing the evil being done to Trump and to babies all over the world, in Jesus name, amen.

The reason the “poor” are not who is the least of these, is because “the least of these” are those who are persecuted, enslaved, or those who keep having false accusations thrown at them, like the child in Omelas, like people in China and Russia and North Korea, and Saudi Arabia and HERE in the USA who stand up and tell the truth and then disappear or become targets of those in power or who are destroyed before they are even born.

Did you know that Omelas is a training story for communism, which was sadly and mistakenly, considered to be a utopian society? Is it not interesting that it is happening right now, and that there are still people who justify and ignore the filth that is heaped upon one person, and upon innocent babies, without respite, and there are still people who know this happens and just walk away.
I am not going to be the one who walked away. I am not going to be someone who is going to pretend I do not see, and agree by ignoring something, and become complicit…not voting, or allowing computers or AI to manipulate or skew votes, is also being complicit in my opinion.
IT IS WRONG what our government is doing and it is NOT the will of the people and it is NOT the will of GOD.
LET MY PEOPLE GO. STOP persecuting people, taxing them, enslaving them, killing them, (including Euthanasia) and ignoring the commands in the bible. THAT INCLUDES WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO TRUMP and his supporters and to babies and the elderly in nursing homes. STOP NOW.

In the bible, before they crucified Jesus, they cast lots. I was thinking about this when I drove by Big Lots. It is indeed BIG LOTS that the government is trying to use to bribe society into complacency. Governments must think Christians are stupid because casting BIG lots (free phones THAT TRACK, jobs THAT WERE NOT EARNED, free school THAT IS MANIPULATIVE) is not working lol.

Yep, IT is interesting to see what “The Romans” of today are “giving” to the people to have, that IS NOT THEIRS TO GIVE, to keep them quiet and to make them complicit in doing evil to God’s people. Casting lots is so cringe-worthy and tragic for those who are doing it because God sees and God is NOT going to let his people be harmed in this way. Reject any gift that is a Trojan horse…do not be complicit in harming “the least of these”.

For those who recognize Truth, Repentance must happen now. Do not walk away, and do not become complicit in a social contract that benefits many but attempts to destroy “the least of these”. There is a consequence for doing evil and as we know, evil destroys itself. Good survives. Good us the only reality I am looking for.

Last but not least, to Mr. Musk…You keep saying that yours is a platform that supports the many voices of different candidates, AFTER such platform has actively suppressed MANY voices. (you know the utopian society thing). You cannot just walk away and pretend it did not happen and allow Governments to sweep this under the carpet. Until restitution happens, your platform cannot be restored. And putting someone in charge of twitter, who is complicit in the EU version of “utopia” is still creating “omelas”. You do not have to walk away. I hope you recognize Truth as quickly as you recognize science.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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