the next day…

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
6 min readSep 3, 2024



After turning off her electronics for twenty four plus hours, Filly realized how much she looked at her phone during the day. She had not been able to locate someone she was looking for without a phone book and without a phone. She had not been able to send money like she normally did, to her family. She had not been able to write.

But what she HAD been able to do was to accomplish all her chores, and do all her workouts, and take care of things in the present, that needed to be taken care of. It was sort of an awakening. She felt like she needed to “turn off” more. So many people wanted to “detox” with their colon or bowels…lol…but the “feed” from electronics, was what people needed detoxing from so much more.

She also noticed that electronics seemed like an analogy of spirituality. When a person wrote on a piece of paper, there was something concrete to look at. But when someone wrote on a computer, the words had to be “saved” in order to be kept. Filly had not saved her last post before turning off her computer so the words could seem like they never existed. She did post them somewhere, however so they could be found and copied and re-inserted into her files.

But when something cannot be touched, and is not concrete, like words on a page, many people do not believe in it. God cannot be touched so there are people who do not believe. But those same people believe in “science”. Filly thought that was really funny. God never changed, so his characteristics were “concrete” but science was never the same…constantly changing…yet that was what some people “believed”?

How many times had Filly read that eggs were good for a person. Then eggs were bad for a person. Then eggs should be cheap. Then eggs cost a fortune during the manufactured pandemic. The virus was deadly… the virus was not any more deadly than the flu. The mask worked. The mask was a decoy. Science was flimsy.

Science as a god? It was laughable. And what about food anyway? Eggs for example. People were giving waaaaaay too much energy to eating certain foods and not eating certain foods. Thinking that some foods had bad properties, or thinking that meat was bad for people for various reasons. But God gave mankind dominion over the earth. And not the kind of dominion that voting fraud causes. God said that we should take no thought for what we eat and drink. But he did say to use moderation in all things.

No gluttony. No sloth. No envy. No wrath. No Pride. No greed. No lust. There were people who were really proud to lust after all kinds of food to excess who did nothing else and were very jealous of the goods of others and wanted those goods themselves without working for them and got really angry when confronted. All seven cardinal sins in one sentence. Yikes lol. The mistake in a life like this was easy to see for example in Diogenes. Always critical yet giving nothing of his own talents…sleeping in a jar when he was in fact very intelligent.

These behaviors are forgivable but the behavior has to first be stopped. Without stopping the behavior, the person experiences spiritual death. People walk where they are looking. Making a focus just about things material, causes a loss of understanding of things spiritual.

Healing happens in belief and how a person’s actions align with them. Filly thought about Tater who had been getting a cold and started wheezing. Filly and Tater prayed, and then Filly read her seven children’s books. Though she had been wheezing initially, she stopped the minute Filly opened the book cover for Stone soup. Then she read “we help dad”. And then “store bought doll”, a book that Filly had gone back and changed some of the words. In the book the doll was miserable and filly changed it so the doll was happy. In the end the doll was found by a little girl and was cherished.

Other books that Filly liked were “blueberry picking”, “make way for ducklings”, and most of the older “little golden books”, for little kids. She liked Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew books, Mark Twain and Huckleberry Finn, and Anne of Green gables for older kids.

Reading the book did not facilitate the healing. It just calmed the thinking. Filly thought about how a person who believed they could be healed, opened the calm door to spiritual assistance in that direction. If they needed to make lifestyle changes, like eating less, or walking more, or listening more and yelling less, then those lifestyle changes often translated into reduced blood pressure, increased fitness and strength and better self image.

Taking the human footsteps and not just relying on doctors for everything, was like Peter, stepping out of the boat. Or it was like the blind man standing up and picking up his mat.

People have to take “the human footsteps” or actions in order to experience “healing”. Sin and sickness go hand in hand. Filly knew. She had seen it. Those who refused to change their wrong behavior, had a very difficult time experiencing healing. The receptive thought to the power of God, Spirit, was the open door that paved the way.

And the belief that God could in fact do anything, even that which seemed scientifically impossible, was documented in the bible which was why it was so great to read. It was the best book of all. One line a day was worth tons of gold. Because it was an open door. One story in the bible was about how a man who was bitten by a poisonous snake, did not suffer or die. He was not local and he did not “believe” that the snake would hurt him. So he was not hurt.

Stories like that, which emphasize the effect that belief has on the body, were so “in your face” to science. Filly thought that Science had not even begun to scratch the surface of this “connection”. There was even a study done of basketball players who needed knee surgery. Some had the surgery done and others thought they had surgery done but the surgeon just pretended. The ones who did not have surgery, but believed that they had, experienced the same improvement as the ones who actually had surgery. Belief in the power of good, God was important.

That was why every morning, Filly prayed, and then picked one bible verse. Today’s bible verse was for her about yesterday…when she had turned off her phone and computer…

“thou visited and destroyed them and made all their memory to perish. Thou hast increased the nation, O Lord, Thou hast increased the Nation: thou art glorified: thou hadst removed it far unto all the ends of the earth”.

Filly never ceased to be amazed at how direct and current the bible verse was in relating to her life. She was very grateful. It was like the treasure that a man found in a field and he sold all he had in order to buy the land with the treasure. That was what the bible was for her. It could be that way for all men and all women. Filly was trying to get Tater and Mister and other kids to choose their own bible verse for the day and try to relate it to their lives.

Filly looked at the clock. It was five eleven AM. She still had to run and take a shower and pack and drive to the airport. She liked starting her day reflecting on all the good. She still was not drinking coffee or soda. She had given them up for those she loved that they could be healed. But those people still needed to take the human footsteps she thought…she hoped that they would. She had turned off her electronics for a day. IT had been difficult but not that difficult. The human footsteps. Signs of faith. Filly had faith.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.