The spin zone =)
October 14 2021
I recently met a child who is “nonverbal”. But he is one of the most beautiful little four year old boys I have ever seen. I do not notice that he does not speak but I notice instead his lovely wide set brown eyes fringed with incredible lashes and his dimpled smile.
I have worked with children who are deaf and who are “nonverbal” and have learned that they are very intelligent, in spite of not being able to hear or speak. According to people I have met, who work with these children, they can sometimes communicate by pointing to pictures.
I also learned that the theory is, that these children, when confronted with the world that they interpret as chaos, choose to go inward in their thinking, instead of communicating outwardly, to help them feel soothed.
The mom of the little boy that I met said that he loves “the planets” and is very interested in them, (maybe because they spin around)”?
I was thinking about all of this recently when I was listening to a show that was supposed to be uplifting but the caller was feeling like God just was not there, because he was not answering her prayers. She was waiting for God to “turn things around” and wondered when the good was ever going to happen.
It is easy to hear this “suggestion” that good is no where to be found, especially now days with what is happening in our country, and be tricked into thinking this suggestion by evil is our own thought. It is not a happy thought, to be sure, it is a hopeless thought, if we entertain it.
But then I thought of this little boy, and how happy he was, smiling and being joyful and watching “the planets”. Is that what spinning means to him and those who are nonverbal, that things are “turning around and changing from chaos into order”? Maybe that is why he chooses to “see” just this?
And it occurred to me, that we can all be joyful too because God is, in fact, ALWAYS turning things around for us, like the earth, on it’s axis and the entire solar system. What a beautiful way for us each to “see” the world, the planets, and the universe as always “turning” around toward good.
God is giving us a global visual “picture” and communicating with us constantly, about how things that seem dark in the world, are always being “turned around” and brought back “into the light”.
When it comes to words of evil, that express hopelessness, doubt, fear, or anger, we can be “nonverbal” like this little boy and refuse to speak these negative words, and instead turn inwards to think about what we understand about God, because we KNOW that God is demonstrating constantly how he is turning things around and how what might temporarily seem to be dark, disappears and has no power in the light. We can choose to JUST see that!
One has to be very intelligent to understand ALL OF THE good being expressed on a global scale, like with this little boy and his love of the planets. Like him, we can be aware of only good, and we can help others by speaking only good, with daily words of gratitude, even minute by minute words of gratitude.
The suggestions that come into our thinking that are not joyful or optimistic, do NOT belong to us and we can watch them disappear in the light, as God continuously “turns things around” for us because we are, like that little boy, surrounded by God’s powerful love that is embracing us and protecting us constantly.
Thank you God for this inspiration, this joy filled day and I believe in you… happy birthday ME.