These dreams at night when I close my eyes

Melissa Ann Howell Schier
5 min readMay 11, 2021


May 11 2021

It is three am and I refuse to have another night interrupted by “dreams” I cannot shake. Dreams are like the “which came first the chicken or the egg” conversation, because we can debate, in dreams, if our experiences are the result of our beliefs or if our beliefs are the result of our experiences. Personally I believe that we can delete dreams that try to upset or interrupt what is good, because what is real, is what is good. And there is really no debate because when you break the egg, you still have just another chicken, it is just at a different point in the maturation process. HAPPY EASTER, Right?

“If you dream it, you can do it” did not come from God, and it also did not even come from Disney.
Disney was meant to be “family entertainment” years ago, but Mickey Mouse, that which was once a beloved character from childhood, has evolved into programming that is now being used to turn people away from the commandments, the bible and the good each individual represents. But, we are not a “collective”.

I remember a dream I had ten years ago where there was a white mickey mouse gloved hand, holding mine and walking, and it stretched out far away into a dark abyss. I even saw a super-bowl commercial that matched my dream. But the “mickey” is not a mouse, and is not even in the drink so much as it is in the manipulation of our thinking away from that which is good, perfect and true.

Manipulation at the white gloved hands of disney executives or of any of those who would try to reset the world… at the expense of our republic, is not real if we stop watching it. This manipulation from those who do not live here is like an animation story of the good shepherd and in this story, the shepherd does not care about the one lost sheep and just wants to “fleece” everyone.

Dreams that are bad seem real. Dreams that are good seem real. The fact that dreams can be good or bad depending on that which is suggested to us, that we “take into our consciousness”, is how dreams are similar to spirituality…because we cannot see spirituality just like we cannot see dreams, but what we do SEE with our eyes seems to determine who we are.

But while dreams actually have no power, spirituality DOES have power because the only power that we can have is the good that we do. We can shut out dreams that are evil just like we can shut out suggestions in our thinking that are evil or bad. WE DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THESE THOUGHTS THAT ARE NOT OUR OWN ANY ROOM. We can turn that channel, or better yet, turn off the programming.

Suggestions from the world is that there was NO ROOM at the inn, for Jesus, but now we know that there is no room for “the inn” if we want to keep God in our thinking. The inn represents the mistake of world belief. The good Jesus represents should have been welcomed but it was not. That was a big mistake for the inn (world belief was wrong) but also a teaching point for us.

Those who, like me, welcome God in, understand that we are of a spiritual nature, and that nature is because we are made in the image and likeness of God, a being we cannot see but who is also NOT a dream and who does good things. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.”

But the trick of dreams, is to suggest that because God cannot be seen, he is like a dream, or not real, or the trick is to confuse us that a dream, but not God, has meaning. But that is not the truth and I know this because when I trust God as real, I experience good every time.

So if this, the human experience, is not who we really are, and is a waking “dream” and we are the creators of it, then we might believe ourselves to be some kind of god. But that suggestion again, is false and, there is only ONE God. The suggestion that a dream is equivalent to creation, (If you can dream it you can do it) is misleading or inaccurate when it comes to our true nature as spiritual beings. God does not command us to be little gods running around, he commands us to be like little children, like the least of these. Little children do not have an agenda to manipulate and they trust the unconditional love they need to be safe, guided, and protected. Our job is to be a light, to use our talents to the best of our ability and not hide them, and to listen to God words.

Why spend our entire existence running around trying to see all the things we can create with our dreams because THAT “existence is futile” (sic)(for star trek fans did you get that play on words lol). It is like spending all our time seeing how one plus one does not equal two…you can spend a lifetime looking at all the wrong answers (the borg), but for what purpose?

We are told that we are the sheep, with a good shepherd (and I do not think the shepherd is mickey mouse), and yet there are many cliches that attempt to replace our good shepherd, and mislead us (putting the wool over our eyes (remember the meme about the giant sheep who could not see because of the wool), or saying we are getting fleeced (the election process and the court system), and even that we are being entertained by the wolf in sheep's clothing in Denver, Colorado).

But I have replaced these annoying mickey mouse dreams or programs, with a rod and a staff. I do this by reading one bible verse to help clarify what it is I am meant to understand every time something tries to divert my thinking including something like bad dreams. I have said it before but why do you think that it says that “thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me”? It is because the good shepherd does not just lead with a staff, he protects with it as well, which is why it is the rod and staff. The good shepherd does both with just ONE TOOL. He does not agree to be Mickey Moused.

In a world where communism, and socialism seem to be promoted by disney, and disney is now looking at all the “wrong answers”, I am suggesting that those who read the bible think about immunism…. my own word for those of us who are immune to the manipulations of those promoting the great reset. Disney Animation is not Gods tool, it is gods tool…about to go broke.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier
Melissa Ann Howell Schier

Written by Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.

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