
Melissa Ann Howell Schier
9 min readAug 29, 2024


WOW. For Filly it was an exclamation. But for her daughter, W.O.W. … it meant a video game. Filly thought it stood for World of Warcraft, but she was not sure. There was a group of young adults who played the game with Filly’s daughter and communicated via some kind of app., perhaps tied to the game, and her daughters phone dinged a lot during the day, with conversations about the game.

It was interesting for Filly to learn ABOUT the game, but she had never really found video gaming enjoyable. It was not like being in the gym, where one could see and feel instant results from a hard workout. That was what Filly enjoyed. Or cooking a delicious meal, where a person got to eat the rewards lol. Or painting a picture of something beautiful…instant satisfying results, usually.

W.O.W. had put out a new “update” or whatever they called it, and her daughter had dropped some coin to get the newest thing, and was not happy that the game had added and normalized, short, deformed looking bearded women. She had made a comment about it on the group discussion and had gotten push back from another gamer who said that as “a likewise ugly person, I like the diversity”. As per the tactics of those who are miserable, who personalize any comment opposed to deviant characters or behaviors, to gain sympathy, this person fit the bill.

Claiming “the victim” card was the fastest growing CON on the planet Filly thought. What lame ass wannabe wouldn’t want to use it to gain sympathy and acceptance. Only it was overused and it was dishonest because everyone had something that they were fighting against. Everyone could claim to be the victim about something. Most people sucked it up and did things for themselves to fix the problems. Claiming to be a victim, and curling up into a ball and hoping others would take care of things, was not a healthy or wholesome plan.

Filly thought about the garden of Eden. It was full of good, beauty, health and goodness… except for the tree of knowledge. It was kept separate because it was evil… Keeping it separate was in fact a good plan. God did not make the garden of good, to be “diverse” with evil. Nope he sure did not. There was however, diversity of all that was good…MULTITUDES of diversity.

People who chose to “sample” the forbidden tree, did not listen to those who had avoided the tree. They ignored God’s warning. When they disobeyed, they learned that the only thing that the “added diversity” of the tree of knowledge brought, was an awareness of all that was diseased, ugly, deformed and evil, including death. So much for heeding warnings from people who loved them.

Filly knew of someone who had also been “headed for that same cliff” and she had done everything she could to stop them. She had learned that the people who believed in gender dysphoria, seemed to be influenced by “tech” in the form of what was propagated by a giant computer (which has no gender) running everything… so people “modeled” after that “role model” thinking they were gender fluid… because a computer also has no gender. That is why a computer cannot be a role model for human beings. Things get all kind of F’d up.

Those men who initially wanted to “act” as though they were female, and those women who initially wanted to “act” like they were male, had ultimately decided, after much brainwashing, that they could “become” the opposite gender. They had been warned by loving family members and others, as to the problem with believing such a lie, and yet they had gone forth anyway… yet claiming to be victims…even though they made the decisions as adults (unless they were children being horrifically groomed by their uneducated parent to believe that gender was a “choice”).

From what she could see, those who chose to take this path, were all self loathing. Almost without exception. They had isolated themselves from family. Filly also knew that most of these people had experienced some kind of sexual trauma, either rape, molestation or abuse, and it had damaged their ability to see the opposite gender with forgiving eyes or loving eyes.

Filly had a friend like that, who had been abused and who constantly bashed her husband and sometimes influenced Filly to focus on the bad attributes that annoyed her in her own relationships instead of the good. Her dysfunctional friendship, had caused her to look with disgust at some of her own family members until she saw what was happening and she asked God to heal her of this tendency. Focusing on the bad had never made things any better she knew. If a friend or even a family member is causing a person to disconnect from family or husband, then that relationship is not “inspiring the affections” which is what GOOD is supposed to do.

Causing division and separation is not God directed. Turning inward, and working to improve one self, HAD helped Filly have better relationships and better outcomes. And she knew gender was not a choice, and those promoting that lie, were doing evil and she had to call it out. She called girls tomboys, but they were still girls. Society had accepted that some people lived on the fringes of gender but never as the opposite gender. She had personal experience with the stress filled lives of people who had believed gender was a choice, and they were as a group, some very unhappy and disconnected, unsuccessful people. They needed prayers, not followers.

She walked and thought about this…her ten thousand steps. The book she was listening to was brainwashing trash and she had skipped most chapters to see if it had any redeeming qualities. But when the people in a church were infected, the main characters said that they had no interest in talking to the priest or hearing what God had to say.

God’s words were the only words that really mattered at the end of it all, Filly thought. In God we Trust was the reason her country had thrived. Losing God would not create “diversity” it would only lead to self destruction. The book claimed to care about humanity, but it’s leanings were not towards the beauty of life and the beauty of the diversity of mankind, but rather fear of climate and the need to destroy mankind. The book had no belief in God as its thrust. So it thrust in vain.

Filly thought about a thrust with people taking the Lord God’s name in vain. She had always thought it meant that a person should not curse…like so many of the trash TV shows now on…abusing the Lord’s name. But as she thought about the book on audio, she thought that it also meant that a person should not ask for God’s help, calling out God’s name, in vain, or without hope or without faith.

“When we truly understand the depth of the third commandment, it calls us to honor God’s name through our actions, words, and even our thoughts. This means ensuring that our behavior aligns with the values and teachings of our faith, embodying integrity, and upholding the sacredness of God’s name in every aspect of our lives.”

Filly agreed with that quote she found online.

She walked out the door..and into the street, the darkness starting to fade in the morning light and the sun peeking out from the clouds. She walked and passed someone who did not smile and say hello back to her as she walked. She went two miles and saw another man who passed her and he had on a shirt with proverbs… he smiled and said hello.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Filly continued to smile and continued to wave even when the second lady she passed refused to even acknowledge her. The men did say hello however. They smiled and said nodded or waved. She heard someone walking up behind her and saw a tall skinny lady with a hat and a grey ponytail. She turned and smiled to say hello but the lady held her nose up in the air and kept walking on past without speaking. Oh brother Filly thought “b*tch” but then stopped herself. Do not go there she thought. She remembered her morning prayers and her bible verse for the day.

“They made their hearts as hard as stone, so they could not hear the instructions or the messages that the LORD of Heaven’s Armies had sent them by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. That is why the LORD of Heaven’s Armies was so angry with them.“’When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,’ says the LORD Almighty.”

Maybe the lady had something on her mind. Filly wanted to feel compassionate but it was difficult.

Filly then ran into the guy she knew with an Oasis pools orange cap and grey t shirt with the sleeves cut off. He was smiling as usual…a happy person.

“Why are some people so unfriendly” Filly asked him as she got close. She told him about the walkers who would not speak.

“I know most everybody” he said. “She did not speak” he continued?

“I told them about you and how I ran into this beautiful blond walking but it was hit or miss if a person would see her” he added giving Filly a compliment.

Filly laughed, thinking about her no make up sweat filled face and “limp with sweat” workout clothes and dirty shoes from running through a sprinkler to cool off. “Thanks” she said, “My husband says that too” and she laughed again.

“I think that lady is a teacher and most teachers these days seem to be quite liberal… and unfriendly apparently” the man said and he laughed. Filly agreed in her thinking, because it seemed that the liberal agenda was strictly to cause division and separation of people from their families and instead trust in “the state” or government. A big mistake. But most people did not listen.

Parents were taking their kids out of those public schools, and government funding disappeared along with the students while Christian schools that taught biblical principles such as integrity and honesty, and hard work and balance and moderation and fairness, were thriving.

“I had my own experience with an unfriendly person” He said. I saw a lady speed at more than forty miles per hour down our street, where kids were sitting waiting for the bus and she sped through two stop signs without even slowing down.” he said.

“ Then she turned into a driveway and started unloading groceries from Kroger and she was a delivery person from Kroger”. “I walked fast to get to where she was and told her that ‘you have to stop at stop signs because there are kids here’”.

“She said ‘that this is none of your business a**hole’, and I said, when you are speeding on the streets in MY neighborhood it IS my business and I started writing down her license plate which was on her sliver Hyundai.” “She said that I better not write her plate down and I said I was going to turn her in and she drove off. I was worried she was going to try to hit me with her car so I kept on the lookout and when I got to a cul-de-sac she sped out from where she had been hiding and sped by me screaming out the window for me to mind my own business a**hole.”

“WOW” said Filly…not referring to the game she had written about earlier.

“I think I will let Kroger know that their delivery people need to be screened better” she told the man and they continued on their separate ways.

She thought of the Gatorade she often saw on garbage cans left by homeowners for the garbage men when they picked up the trash on hot days…and the snacks and treats left on porches for delivery people. This was a good neighborhood, and the people who lived in it were good and wanted to lead good clean lives.

The forbidden “ tree of knowledge” was planted and could not invade the neighborhood if the neighborhood refused to give it grounds … the watchers and the shepherds, like the man and like herself, were in place. Those who did not choose good, would not be allowed to continue to participate. Evil would be destroyed. WOW what a great concept.



Melissa Ann Howell Schier

HoustonWorkout on YouTube, mom of five, journalist and artist and conservative who values life.