Walker Hayes ‘s“AA” song
Walker Hayes has a new song AA which makes me laugh when he talks about tryin to keep his daughter off the pole and his son out of jail. But then I learned that he has actually struggled with alcohol and I admire that he is now sober. That decision must have taken a lot of patience and prayer.
My family growing up was not a drinking family. I never saw either of my parents drunk or even taking a drink because they just rarely drank. Walker Hayes says that being sober is lonely and that the alcohol was a coping mechanism. He loved all the attention he got from fans and alcohol was a way to handle all the adulation. But alcoholics are not actually “handling” anything, are they, because the addiction is handling THEM.
So if loneliness is the problem that people struggle with, and they want attention, alcohol might seem like a good solution, unless better solutions come along,(haha please forgive the play on the word solution) with regards to getting attention.
I can see how using attention-getting negative behavior as a “good idea” in society might happen, because I am a mom and have raised five children. I started thinking about kids and comparing alcoholism in adults, to “bad” behavior or “attention-seeking behavior” in kids.
I thought about good behavior and bad behavior, and how we as parents, want our kids to always DEMONSTRATE good behavior, but we often only PAY ATTENTION to our kids BAD behavior. Kids are often good as long as we are paying attention to them but they fall off the wagon when we stop paying attention. AS PARENTS WE NEED TO BE PAYING ATTENTION. Loneliness for children can fuel addiction. And, BTW, online activity is not a substitute for interacting with other children, or a substitute for parental attention.
What this Song by Walker Hayes tells me, is that not only kids but ALL ADULTS, even the elderly, need our attention because a lot of bad behavior comes from a place of neglect or lack of attention. And if they are our family or our kids, we should find more ways to encourage them when they are making GOOD choices, instead of only paying attention to them or berating them when they make bad choices. This will not only bring us happiness, it will bring others happiness and will go a long way to foster good-will towards men.
If our “will” is good doesn’t that mean that we are commanding our mental view to acknowledge the good in others? I believe “goodwill towards men” is what Jesus did, and is our best example of how to treat others. And when we feel lonely, it is useful to me personally to know that God is watching and rewarding my good behavior, even if no other human being notices. I am seeing blessings multiply. Addiction is harder to avoid I think, when people stop believing in God or start doubting his blessings but I for one, see evidence every day that God is real and am SO GRATEFUL for his bounty and grace given to me.
And regarding fueling “good behavior”, I think that even large organizations who do not get the attention, communication or influence they earned and need, when they provide GOOD business practices, might eventually have to choose to refuse services. And that does not make them bad.
I see this with the truckers in Canada (who have kept working during the two years of COVID without complaint in spite of the risks that were GRAPHICALLY and CONSTANTLY outlined by governments), who now want emergency mandates ended. I agree with them and so do most of their countrymen.
The farmers and the truckers and the nurses for years, all chose to go out and make sure that people in their country had what they needed during a time when most of society chose to stay home in fear. The truckers wants and needs are reasonable and their requests are peaceful.
But the government in Canada, after accepting all the goodwill from these truckers for years , now refuses to reciprocate or listen to their requests and is posturing to force them to have punishment? In comparison, what do we see happening in families when the parents are distant and only punish the kids and refuse to reward their good efforts? Well lets see, I think it can lead to kids who “get on the pole or end up in jail” like the AA song by Walker Hayes lol.
Kids will not be invested in parental values if the parents are not invested in the kids. People will not be invested in their governments if their governments are not invested in them. (and this does not mean government handouts or catch and release jail programs, which do a disservice to the hardworking, tax earning citizens)
The response to the truckers by Trudeau is arguably the worst ever and shows no leadership or compassion or understanding of his own people and such leadership will fail. If Trudeau were doing the same thing to his own peers and family, they would probably ship him off to counseling for anger management.
Our families HAVE to keep us and try to take care of us, but if government is behaving badly, we do NOT have to keep them do we? That is because government is supposed to be FOR the people not AGAINST them. government is supposed to “serve” the people, not “serve up the people on a platter”...to give and protection, not withdraw protection.
I think the feeling of Power must be an addiction to some people like Trudeau or in our country, like Biden… because it seems like people with money or position never want to let power go…but have you noticed they sure want us to LET IT GO(any money, power or position we have, specially if we do not share political ideology)..lol.. (no Internet technology, “let IT go” does not apply to you because you will not be “let go” from your responsibility or role in causing this government leadership problem using hacks, propaganda and surveillance). SMDH
Yup, too bad so sad because all of us “underlings” down here, can read the writing on the wall for them who think they can order us around, and take away our freedoms to choose what is best for us and our families. “Is that why you B lettin out all the criminals, “catch and release” cuz you B makin room to try an lock up all the good people who don’t agree with the leader”? LOL Good luck with that and I do not believe in luck.
Just like parents who never praise and only punish, and their kids start to fail, unresponsive or evil leaders will also eventually fail.
Why is it, you might ask, that government leaders think that imposing suffering or punishment can extinguish freedoms that are innate? There is an attempt to explain this in the book titled “1984".
I just watched 1984 and this movie (which I hated), was about a dystopian world; a horrible place where the people were not allowed to communicate with their families. They belonged to the government and there were “thought police” who came and arrested them any time they questioned the official narrative or propaganda.
Women were forced to be chaste and then forced to “volunteer” to be artificially inseminated in order to supply “workers” to the government. The children when born, were wards of the state. There was NO freedom of choice for the people, only freedom for the leaders. Kind of like the way planned parenthood manipulated poor blacks and exterminated black baby populations, and kind of like how BLM wants to say families are not important and that kids belong to governments and communities, not their parents.
There is a NOT SO HIDDEN agenda. But we know over the history of humanity, FAMILY is always the best place to raise a child and God gives babies to mom’s and dads, not governments.
To keep them in this state of subservience, in the movie, the leader kept showing the people constant(fake) news about conflict, division and wars (that were supposedly being won against a fictitious enemy to foster hate) when in fact there were no wars.
The leaders controlled the narrative that the people saw, because historically, people who believe there is a war, will willingly submit to always living on the brink of starvation because they think they are making a sacrifice for “the greater good” when in fact, the fake war propaganda was always a plan by the people in power, to make the masses submissive and obedient.
But these people were emaciated, starving, brutally poor and constantly monitored.
The torture that the leaders in this movie did to their own people also involved telling them obvious lies such as “two plus two equals FIVE”, and citizens who argued saying the truth, that it was FOUR, were tortured and punished by zapping them with electric voltage. War is peace, they were brainwashed to say.
Even though you can say that“ 1984 was just a movie”, I can argue that today, I see a lot of similarities to it with regards to freedoms of choice being systematically taken away and truth being distorted.
Indeed it is still THE TRUTH that people can make their own choices regarding health and work , yet some world leaders, people who think they are more powerful than God, are saying that people should not be allowed to make their own choices, and want to “punish them’,” taking away their money, their right to work, and forcing them to abdicate their freedoms. Jesus says “the truth will make you free”…he did not say the truth will lock you up!
People here who do not see the comparisons to 1984 should read the paper book, it is considered classic literature. Make sure you read it the printed version because if it is online, you cannot be sure that it has not been altered.
When something is printed, then the authors and publishers accept responsibility for the content, and all the words, as being accurate. Fortunately, those entities and media or news organizations which alter content, (or lie, slander or libel any person or content), are subject to legal consequences and ruin because people eventually figure out who is telling the truth and who is lying. Truth brings about good, and lies bring about evil.
By distorting the truth or trying to get people to stop believing in things that connect them, like family, God and country, the government hopes to make us all submissive drones. Have you noticed how there are now suddenly so many “fake” stories about the “authenticity” of God and the bible, when these bible stories have been researched, validated, authenticated over MANY years of history, and continue to be respected and valued. The only reason it is suddenly coming up again (online), after THOUSANDS of years, is because it serves “the powers that be” to try to get people to stop believing in God. But we know better.
And by the way, regarding authenticity, I was looking at my OWN family, and I noticed that there are people listed ONLINE who are not actually members of my lineage, and people who are part of my family who are not listed at all. I am grateful that my cousin Karen made us all a PRINTED cookbook on June 21 1990, and in it are photo copies of records, diaries, letters and photographs that document a great deal of our family history. History is important because it links us together in truth.
Because we accept family as our own, it is important that records are not altered or edited THEY WAY THEY CAN BE ALTERED if ONLINE when we are not paying attention, because we care about our family and we care about Truth. We should teach our children who their family is and read them touchable printed books that have publishers and writers (who are taking responsibility for the accuracy of the content).
Now more than ever, when the media keeps making up fake news stories, (to get attention or clicks, the same way children lie to get negative attention) , we need to pay attention INSTEAD to those who have been telling the truth the whole time (even in the midst of massive illegal investigations); people like President Trump.(MSNBC CBS CNN ABC etc., you cried wolf too much we do not believe you now) This is being documented by the Justice Department’s special counsel John Durham in his Feb. 11, 2020 filing.
There were people in government who did not want to relinquish power, who were paying their own people money to investigate someone they knew was innocent and they tried to find dirt. The media frantically covered these lies. All that money was to line their own pockets and to bring dishonor to a good person. All that money spent to fund the investigations came from taxes or from our enemies and all those “stories” they were based on, never had a shred of truth.
But unlike the false claims made by people in government, The bible is true and accurate, and gives a powerful narrative, that has demonstrated for thousands of years, that people who believe in God, family and country cannot be brainwashed to become drones of power-seeking government leaders like Trudeau or Biden or Herod or Caesar Fauci, Gates or Soros. The believers in God, may have their challenges but just like light can never be put out by darkness, good cannot be overtaken by evil.
Biden “says” he is “catholic” and perhaps it was an attempt to “tap into the large reservoir of “catholic voters”, but Biden’s BEHAVIOR, of supporting abortion, is completely and diametrically opposed to what the Catholic church teaches. You cannot be for abortion and against abortion at the same time Biden.
That behavior, is called hypocrisy, and killing innocent babies, or supporting the mass extermination of infants is much worse than people refusing to take a vaccine. Just sayin…your momma had you didn’t she Biden, she did not abort you. But perhaps she not pay enough attention to you when you were little so you just stopped trying to be good? lol
President Trump did not take money from China Biden, YOUR FAMILY DID. I don’t think we will be ignoring that. What is CHINA paying you for, Biden? What is your illicit financial connection to China? You may SEEM to have gotten away with a coup-de-tat this past election but you are not hid. YOU are the dog at everyone’s front door Biden, and we, the public, WILL deal with your illegal activities, illegal voting machines, and illegal surveillance.
God sees. His people are listening. God rewards his people and protects them from the enemy…including when the enemy is an addiction to POWER money, drugs or alcohol.
When we finally realize that we still get TO CHOOSE what we do, we can say no to drugs, alcohol and all the addictions, and be ready to receive our heavenly blessings. We will not be receptive to “saying no” to addictions however if we are not living in obedience to Gods laws. A person has to SEE good and live good, before a person can RECEIVE more good.
We can all join with parents to see the good and can start each day by being kind to little babies and children. We teach the little ones, and we can teach the masses, to make good choices from the very beginning, like Jesus did…by rewarding or paying attention to goodness, instead of punishing. (BTW mothers or dads who give death sentences for pregnancy using evil organizations like “planned parenthood”, give the ultimate punishment, to a baby, without a trial by a jury of it’s peers. Is that because unborn babies peers can’t speak for themselves or others?)
See the good. It is the least, but also the best, we can do.
Oh and my randomly chosen bible verse for today is… Ezekiel chapter nine verse eleven ”Then the man clothed in linen with the writing kit at his side reported back, “I have done as You commanded.”