What bread lol
July 19 2024
The baby announcement was sitting on the counter in the kitchen. The little girl in the picture had been matched and Filly’s daughter, husband, and two older children, were beyond excited to be adopting a new addition to their family from South Korea.
Filly looked at the photo again. She remembered when her other daughter got married, more than ten years earlier, and was marrying a man from Mongolia, who looked Asian. As a gift early in the marriage, Filly had given her daughter a little Asian baby girl doll, (for them to give to their first baby). That scenario had not materialized and the doll had been given back to Filly.
She had found the doll the other day when she was putting away all the dolls Tater had taken out in order to have a tea party with them. It was sitting in a peach satin outfit with shiny dark hair framed with bangs.
Suddenly Filly realized that somehow, years before when she had bought the doll, she had held firmly to the idea that this doll represented what would be a new life in their family. That dream had been realized, not the way Filly had imagined it but still it had come to fruition with the new little girl who was mirrored by the doll.
Filly’s bible verse for the day was
“Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Filly loved this bible verse.
Because the bible opened on two different pages simultaneously, the second bible verse said.
“The Pharisees and Sadducee's came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.
2 He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ 3 and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.[a] 4 A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away.”
Filly liked thinking that the “sign” was that something good was going to happen with the new life they were expecting with the baby girl.
But there were other signs that she thought were more “popular” as viewed by people other than herself. But not in a positive way but in a fearful way.
For example, The book she was listening to, had been mirrored on the national stage, only God had been watching their six. Protection had been provided. But people saw it as a sign.
Then there was the new book. It was called Without Fail.
Written in 2002, it was a title that had been suggested by AI on Libby, a phone app. that apparently was also capable of mirroring.
Filly copied the first few paragraphs of the narrative read in her audio book by Dick Hill. He was a great narrator…but the similarities to the real world events was disturbing.
“they found out about him in July and stayed angry all through august. They tried to kill him in September it was way too soon. They weren’t ready, the attempt was a failure. It could have been a disaster but it was actually a miracle, because nobody noticed.
They used their usual method to get past security and set up a hundred feet from where he was speaking. They used a silencer. They missed him by an inch. The bullet must have passed right over his head. maybe even through his hair because he immediately raised his hand and patted it back into place as if a gust of wind had disturbed it. They saw it over and over again afterward on television. He raised his hand and patted his hair, he did nothing else. He just kept on with his speech, unaware, because by definition a silenced bullet is too fast to see and too quiet to hear. So it missed him, and flew on…it missed everybody standing behind him.”
This sequence of events had just happened on the national stage, almost exactly as described above in the audio book, only it had been derailed. It had not happened the way it had been described in the book because it HAD been noticed. God had stepped in.
Then later, in chapter two, the book talked about how the main character needs to “think outside the box”… mirroring something else Filly write about days before about a video sent to her by her mom.
Filly wondered if audio books could be edited verbally, to add key words that had hidden meanings… to seem like they mirrored even more accurately.
Words could have secret meanings, and outside the box could mean something specific. Filly thought, for example, about the new fence her neighbor had asked her about.
Fence was a useful acronym because it meant Fuel, emitters, navigation, communications, and electronic countermeasures with the US air force (her dad …not in the grave) Filly’s dad was an Air Force navigator and a pilot.
Filly had been asked about the fence as she was walking and she had seen the neighbor with his chocolate brown lab. He had two of them, but he was only out with the younger of the two dogs, throwing a ball with an orange plastic ball grabber, then waiting for the dog to retrieve it and bring it back to him.
He was wearing a ball cap and sunglasses and long pants and was standing in the street facing parallel to Filly but facing the opposite direction, watching his dog run after the ball. Without looking sideways to her, his head still facing forward, he had asked, “did you get your fence”?
“I did, and I love it” she responded. So if fence was a “sign and If there was an electronic war going on that the masses did not know about, Filly knew without doubt that God was in control. NOT whoever was programming AI.
For Filly, everything was a sign. Not signs for her to understand, but signs for her to pay attention to because signs were what the world understood. Filly felt like for herself, it was enough to trust God the way a child did. The way the bible verse said to. But she knew that people were looking for signs so that they too could trust. So she was trying to see the world from their perspective so she could help them see better the real message, which was that God was the only real power.
She saw that the Pioneer woman had put out new cooking items for the Kitchen. They were speckled…which means to run “random interference” =).
This was perhaps a “dirty Kitchen” as AI had suggested. Because “ Dirt “could mean Defense infa red test. Or Damage information reporting tool. Or data interception by remote transmission.
So if the Air force was involved, her dad was doing “the dirty work”. That was what Filly thought. The bible verse did say that God was bringing people out of their graves. Her sister, a top notch attorney, also was going to be brought forth.
So, when Filly started listening to the first few paragraphs of this new audio book, suggested by AI, mirroring everything she saw, (and had been doing this for years), it was startling because the narrative matched again, doing what the previous audio book had done, mirroring what had recently happened on the national stage.
But the events had happened to the former president. Not to the vice president elect. In the book, the vice president elect was the target. Was that why the vice president elect’s wife on TV looked unhappy? That was what Filly wondered. Instead of being afraid, to her the mirroring showed that AI did not control the narrative. It controlled what it predicted was going to happen but it was wrong. The president and VP elect were being protected.
Filly knew that believing the signs of AI was like the “bread” of the Pharisees and the Sadducee's, that Jesus said for the people to not eat. He was not talking about literal bread, he was talking about what was being “said”. “the feed” was purposefully being fear inducing. Bread acronym meant “basic research and development (india), which meant Google. Or it could mean BRoadband in Europe for All multiDisciplinary approach.
Filly knew that God was telling the people to not believe what AI (Google, or broadband in Europe) was “feeding” them because it was wrong. Fear, false evidence appearing real.
How did AI know to pick specific audio book for Filly, literally days after? Filly did not know but she did know that God could use AI just like God could use loaves of bread and fish to feed the thousands. He did not need to make sense in the material world. AI did not control the narrative in spite of how well it mirrored.
Filly was confident that God was watching her six, and watching the six of all those who believed and trusted in him. He did not let the careful mirroring of AI be realized. AI was de railed. It could do no damage because Filly was not accepting what it gave as concrete signs and symbols. She was getting her feed from the bible verses. She was teaching the children to do the same.
Jesus said do not eat the “bread” of the Pharisees and Sadducee's.
“Bread, what bread”, Filly said, and smiled.