What does it mean to have dominion
What does it mean to have dominion?
I thought about driving a fast bright colored sports car. The car is much more powerful than the driver but the driver’s understanding of the car allows the driver to perform a multitude of functions.
Dominion over the car allows for movement, speed, more leisure time, new horizons, the transport of more than one person, and more. This dominion is not evil, and is not limited to the driver but is available to anyone who recognizes and understands the good in that dominion of driving a car.
Jesus demonstrated dominion over water of the sea. He walked on it effortlessly. He also demonstrated dominion over water in jars, he multiplied them and changed them to wine. In doing these things, he showed us that the dominion over matter, is not confined or limited to the natural law. He proved that dominion of the world depends on the understanding of spiritual nature of the world, not the physical nature.
A child can go up to a car and drive it because a child does not believe that dominion over a car depends on something humanly a person has to do. A child naturally is not afraid to take the wheel because the dominion over the car by a child does not depend on the child's understanding of the engine, the gasoline, the tires or the mechanics. The child only has to know that the car can be driven. A child already has dominion, and only has to exercise that dominion. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion” we are told in the bible.
Jesus showed us that we also have dominion over disease. He understood the spiritual nature of humanity and also understood that when God made humanity good, it did not include disease. The concept that humanity expresses life, not disease, not death, is the spiritual concept that Jesus understood in order to heal, the same way that a child understands a car will move when it is driven.
Jesus did not have to understand or even be aware of the mechanics of the body the same way that a child does not need to understand an engine or the gasoline that goes in it, in order to drive.
The knowledge that we think we gain by studying matter in fact really only limits our spiritual understanding. That is why we are told to be like little children in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Healing without drugs, medicine or even physically being present and doing this good thing, is something that was demonstrated for us many years ago but it seems we still are looking at the car engine, and trying to understand mechanics instead of stepping out of that arena, and stepping into prayer, which gives us that spiritual understanding we can gain to have dominion. In our songs, in our words and in our behavior, we can do more to follow the example of Jesus, and put the new light of good, on our human experience.