What she found under the stone
What DID she find under the stone? I don’t know because she is not looking under stones or rocks any more!
BUT, She FOUND Jesus!
Jesus was not under the stone was he?
In case you did not know, She is Me =).
Recently I have been picking bible verses randomly and I keep picking ones about the Angels at the tomb of Jesus. One bible verse said that there was one angel, and a different bible verse said that there were two angels, one at the head and one at the foot. The angels said, “why do you seek the living among the dead”.
The angels gave us a clear message about “looking under stones”.
I was thinking about how Jesus was not “under a stone”, not even a “rolling stone”. Do you know of people, who spend most of their lives, literally or figuratively “looking “under stones”. Life and living, according to, not one, not two, but THREE angels, is not under any stones at all.
What are some of these “stones”? Drugs are one thing that makes people “stoned”. Perhaps alcohol, jealousy, deceit, fraud and lies are all stones too. Maybe too many people decided to “surry down, a stone soul picnic” huh? And that song continues and says in the lyrics;
“And from the sky come the Lord and the lightning
And from the sky come the Lord and the lightning…
Personally I think that surry is a drunk version of slurry…like slurred words of someone who is a “stoned soul”…and there are a lot of people who got on “that train”, and surry DOWN, not up. lol No thank you.
So, if we want to EXPERIENCE the power of God, we need to stop giving power to these “stones”. Right? RIGHT!
You may not believe it, but it is the truth, that the day after I wrote this story and I picked my randomly chosen bible verse for the day, God responded to me by having me pick this bible verse “Saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a STONE, Thou hast brought me forth: for they have turned their back unto me, and not their face: but in the time of their trouble, they will say, Arise and save us. But where are they gods that thous hast made thee? Let them arise if they can save thee in thy trouble, for according to the number of they cities are thy gods O Judah.
When David went to take down Goliath, I believe he was given power to overcome that great evil, because he was praying to, and relying on God only, for his support. He had to “dismiss” his five physical senses, (taste, touch, hearing, sight and smell) and rely on God, Spirit to give him the win, so he gathered five stones, one for each physical sense he was not giving power to.
I imagine that there were a lot of people, thinking he was the underdog and I imagine, there were a lot of times that he made mistakes, but THAT day, with Goliath, he gathered five stones and took down a great evil. He got on top of those “stones”, or things that weigh us down and make us think that something is impossible, because nothing is impossible with God.
I wonder if David had an angel message, like the women did at the tomb? With angels, it is comforting first to know we are never alone. I believe Jesus had angels with him, ministering to him in his time of greatest human need, because they were there in the tomb the next morning.
If angels provide “spiritual intuitions” then they can be with us any time we are feeling alone, upset, or confused. I believe that the one angel at the head, is symbolic of one who could help to redirect our “thinking” and the one at the feet, is symbolic of one who could redirect our “steps”.
These angels took the two Mary’s (one the mother of James and one the Magdeline) and turned them around, and sent them back out. The ladies literally did a 180 and went back outside. It was not just their feet that were turned around, it was their thinking. Their sorrow was turned into JOY.
What they had believed, which was sadness, did not have any power over them, because the angels helped them to “see” beyond what their five physical senses were telling them.
Jesus built his church on a stone, called “Peter”. The stone or the foundation of our belief in God, is built and endures, because of the spiritual qualities that endure through humanity. Maybe what Jesus was saying, when he said “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church” , is that God or heaven, is a place where we mentally need to “get on top” of stones that make us “look down”, or feel “weighed down”, sad or stuck, and this mental outlook is the foundation, for trust in God.
Death is a really heavy stone is it not? But Jesus got on top of it.
Stones are just extra weight, and looking under stones or kicking rocks, is not going to teach us anything about joy, or help us heal or help us do a 180. A racehorse carrying stones has a “handicap”. In the movie Frozen, all the stones were “trolls”. In the story Stone soup, the stones have no value, and it is what mankind contributes that makes “life” or the “soup” palatable.
But still some search for the “stones” believing they have magic power like the stones in “outlander”. But that is Hollywood fiction and for us living, in the now, what does God put in place, of the stones for us to find, who are seeking Jesus?
He put Angels. I believe God puts angels because God is compassionate to those who suffer or are sad, who are really seeking truth. “Sadness is not the master of Joy” and these angels are clear about where to find “the living”.
It is not always easy to turn away from the stones especially if we want to “understand” how and why, seemingly impossible things happen, but these angels are staying that we CAN understand JOY, when we stop looking at sorrow. It is a 180 degree turn, and it is a choice, and not only is it possible, it is what we have always been intended to do.
Pollyanna says “if you look for the bad expecting to find it you surely shall”…and then with a 180 turn of that necklace on the other side, “if you look for the good expecting to find it you surely shall. “ A great reminder for her to turn around, leave the tomb of stone, and obey the angel message in the form of a little necklace given to her from her father, a preacher.
I guess, according to the advice of that little girl, if we pay attention to what it is we are looking for, in the end, we will get exactly what we are “expecting”…are we looking under stones or are we “expecting” good? We cannot look under stones and at the same time expect good. We have to stop looking under stones in order to “expect” good.
“Expectancy” is a word used to describe women who are preparing to give birth, which is new life, so “expectancy of good” is something that is a blessing to women everywhere. The two women who went to the tomb “expecting” to find Jesus were also blessed and sorrow turned into joy. The angel message that they got when they arrived…was to look for the living among THE LIVING.
Women who are expecting, are given angel messages to expect LIFE. Any thought of sorrow or death can do a 180, and we can put down those stones, because God is in charge of Life. Life is good, and we can either surry down, OR hurry UP, and choose life.
As for me and my house, we will hurry up and serve the lord AMEN.
I think God speaks to us through different signs and right after I wrote this story, I was driving and I saw a fire truck in front of me and I recorded it, and I spoke to it, saying “Hello engine 37, lead the way” and I want you to know, that fire truck sitting stopped at the light, suddenly turned on its lights and did a 180! People are listening to God and his messages to us. THAT IS AMAZING!