who does not love Trojans?
To never look a gift horse in the mouth because it would be rude…is the answer given to the question “what does the idiom mean that says ‘never look a gift horse in the mouth’”.
That is assuming that all gifts are equal. SOME GIFTS are self serving…. like for example if I give my husband a “gift” of a sander so he will refinish an antique table. It benefits the giver, not the receiver.
I think that the idiom is not always good advice regarding gifts. I think that the “gift” of free vaccines is like giving a sander to my husband, or the Greeks giving a Trojan horse to the city of Troy so they could take it over.
You know…the Greeks are pretty smart. And as of a few years ago, they were bankrupt. Wouldn’t it be interesting if they were using vaccines as a modern Trojan horse to benefit those they owed money too. Once introduced in vaccine form, it does seem like the virus never is “defeated”…and it is the “gift that keeps on giving” lol.
“The Greek debt crisis is the dangerous amount of sovereign debt Greece owed the European Union between 2008 and 2018. In 2010, Greece said it might default on its debt, threatening the viability of the eurozone itself.1
To avoid default, the EU loaned Greece enough to continue making payments.
Since the debt crisis began in 2010, the various European authorities and private investors have loaned Greece nearly 320 billion euros.
It was the biggest financial rescue of a bankrupt country in history.2 As of January 2019, Greece has only repaid 41.6 billion euros. It has scheduled debt payments beyond 2060.
In return for the loan, the EU required Greece to adopt austerity measures. These reforms were intended to strengthen the Greek government and financial structures. They did that, but they also mired Greece in a recession that didn’t end until 2017.
The crisis triggered the eurozone debt crisis, creating fears that it would spread into a global financial crisis. It warned of the fate of other heavily indebted EU members. This massive crisis was triggered by a country whose economic output is no bigger than the U.S. State of Connecticut.”
Wonder what it is like to own a business where people have to pay you to keep defending them when the thing they are defending against, is your own version of a Trojan horse…Oh, and they cannot sue you for any liability if your defense is not working.
It does seem to me that the people getting the virus repeatedly (even after being told that the vaccine would help prevent it) are the very ones who got the vaccine…
I am just hypothesizing here, but the people I know who keep getting sick, all got the vaccine. The ones not getting sick, are the people who did not get the vaccine.
Why did we not get that vaccine? I am guessing because we were told we had to. And the more someone tells us that we HAVE to do something, the more suspicious it becomes…those of us who value freedom. And we decided that, fear, big pharma, and government, are not God. We trust God.
Interesting huh?
Who’s zooming who?
Hi Greece…Whats your “language” again? =)
We should probably learn from history huh? or not…
Just keep on refusing to look gift horses in the mouth.
Can you give a gift horse back to the giver? I am pretty sure they do not want it lol. NAY NAY they say =)
FYI lol
“➢ Greece’s pharmaceutical sector has been growing at a fast pace during the past five years (with sales up by 80%, vs 43% in the EU and 7% for other
Greek manufacturing) — with exports being the main growth engine (with its extroversion increasing to 50% of sales in 2021 vs 30% in 2016). Noteworthy
is the fact that the sector’s investment appetite is gradually recovering, with
the gross fixed capital formation-to-sales ratio reaching c. 10% (up from 7%
five years ago and c. 15% in the EU).
➢ Looking ahead, the vigorous performance of Greek pharma is expected to be
further boosted by a powerful combination of favourable factors:
✓ Driven by technological advances and increased health concerns (due
to the covid pandemic), global pharma sales could almost double by
2030 (reaching $3 tr, from $1.4 tr. currently), following a two-decade
period of healthy sales growth (c. 6% per year).
✓ Against this expansionary background, the recent introduction of the
«European Common Pharmaceutical Strategy», presents new
opportunities. The new strategy was triggered by concerns of high inter-
regional dependencies (e.g. China provides 23% of EU pharma raw
materials in 2019, up from 12% in 2010) and product shortages due to
global supply chain disruptions (related with the shocks of covid
pandemic and recent geopolitical turmoil). With its new strategy, the
EU primarily aims i) to promote R&D towards both innovator and
generic drugs, ii) establish a favourable institutional framework for
manufacturers and iii) reinforce diversification of supply chains”